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"Something is wrong."
"You know something is wrong."
"You can feel it."
"You need to remember."
"You need to wake up."
"Wake up."
"Wake up."
"Wake up."
"Wake up!"
I open my eyes to find my sister hitting me with her pillow. I lay there for a few moments, too dazed to even speak. I take a moment to gain my surroundings, and then I throw my pillow directly towards her big head. She dodges my attack fairly easily and counters with a swipe right across my face. I give her my death stare and she looks at me with a cocky ass smile on her face.
"Happy birthday bitch."
I try hard to keep up my stare but I eventually give it up and break into a smile.
"Thanks bitch. Too bad I can't be as lucky as you."
"How am I lucky?"
"Cause you get to celebrate the birth of you're favorite sister."
She hits me with her pillow again and we both laugh. I look at my phone for the time, 7:30, school already started.
"Fuck I'm late."
My sister grabs the phone from my hand.
"Yah well it's you're birthday, you've earned an extra hour of sleep. Now get your ass up, I'm driving you to school."
"You? Your ass can barley drive to Wendy's without running into a tree."
"Well it's not my faults, those squirrels are always talking shit."
We laugh. My sister walks to the door and throws my phone back on my bed.
"Now fix yourself you look like a mess."
She leaves and I get up. I took a shower before I went to sleep so I just have to make myself look pretty. I put on a black short sleeve shirt, a black skirt, and a black mini jacket. I spend 10/20ish minutes on my makeup and I leave my room looking like a super cute emo princess. It's my birthday, what's the point of going to school unless I'm able to turn a few heads. I run downstairs and find my sister waiting for me while eating a waffle.
"Where the fuck is my waffle?"
"Calm yourself, we're gona go out to eat after school."
We get into my dads car and my sister drives me to school. We make small talk and joke around, but I'm not really all there. I'm too deep in thought to put any real energy into the conversation. I'm 18, this is suppose to be exiting. This is suppose to mark the beginning of the next stage in my life, but I don't really feel any different. I still have the same boring life, surrounded by the same boring people, going to the same boring school. Don't get me wrong, I love my family and I don't know what I would do without Jessica, but I want something more, something exiting. I wish my life could be a fan fic, or maybe a cool anime, but it's just boring and dull. Eventually we get to my school and I get out the car.
"Try not to die in there."
I smile at my sister.
"Don't count on it."
I close the door and watch as she drives off. I turn around and stare at the hopelessly dull building in front of me. I really don't want to do this today, why can't this be more exiting? I hear the bell signaling the beginning of second period. I should probably get to class. I take a step forward, but then I'm blown back.
Windows shatter and flames erupt from the entrances. I'm on my knees, looking up in confusion.
"What the?"
I'm blown back to the ground and I hit my head. I lay there, disoriented. I prop myself up and look in horror at the scene in front of me. The school, it's gone, all I see in front of me resembles some sort of WW2 wreckage.
"Oh my fucking God!"
I crawl back, trying to get as far away from the disaster as possible. Wait, what the fuck just happened. What the fuck was that? What the fuck? Fuck. What just happened? What? Are they dead? Is everyone dead? Oh my god their all dead. I'm keep trying to distance myself.
"What the fuck!"
I literally can't process what just happened. I prop myself up, my legs feeling weak. How did that not kill me.
"Convenient isn't it?"
I look around. Who said that?
"Who else?"
What the fuck. Who the fuck is talking? Did I hit myself on the head too hard? Am I just going crazy?
"Trust me, you're not going crazy."
I'm terrified now, I'm starting to cry.
"Who the fuck is there?"
I look around, trying to find the source of the voice.
"Don't be afraid, it'll all be over soon."
"Please, leave me alone."
"It wasn't easy to find you, that is, until it was."
I don't know where to run, I don't know what to do, I just keep walking back, away from the wreckage.
"Who are you? What do you want from me?"
"Who I am isn't important. What I want however, well I don't want anything. My boss on the other hand, well he would like your heart on his fucking wall."
I freeze, I can't move, I'm paralyzed with fear. I look towards the wreckage and see something walking out of it, the owner of the voice. He wants to kill me. I try to run, but I can't. My legs won't move, they won't fucking move. Please just move.
"Please don't hurt me."
The figure stops.
"Oh I won't hurt you, but I can't spare you."
The figure makes a motion towards me and I see something leave his hand, something small and shiny and directed at me. I can't move, I can only scream. I close my eyes, screaming, waiting for it to hit me, but then a hear a dull thud. I open my eyes to see another person in front of me. He had a small knife in his hand. I Looked in confusion, did he just catch that? He takes the blade and throws it back at the figure in the fire. As soon as the knife leaves his hand he turns around and grabs my arm.
"We have to go, now!"

A Day to remember Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя