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I watch as Alex walks back to the table, struggling to balance all the tacos I had him order.
"Yayyy tacooo!"
"You're a child."
I stick out my tongue at him. He hands the tacos over and I eagerly open one of them. I know that I ate not too long ago but getting blown back, running for my life, and teleporting to god knows where really worked up my appetite. He gets up for a moment while I stuff my face with delicious taco. TACO! When he comes back I begin to ask if he could get me a drink but he cuts me off and plops a fountain cup right in front of me.
"I wana Sprite."
He hands me a straw and sits down. I put the straw in and take a sip. Sprite. How did he know? Well Sprite is usually a safe bet if you don't know what to get someone. I finish my first taco and begin opening my second when I finally notice he didn't get anything to eat.
"Where's your food?"
"I don't have any."
"Well why not?"
"I suppose I'm not hungry."
Ohh. I look at the dozen or so tacos that I still have yet to eat. Now I feel bad. I take a taco and pass it to him.
He looks at the taco, and pushes it back towards me.
"It's okay, I got it for you."
I pass it back.
He passes it back.
"I'm fine really."
I begin to pout. He tries to look away but I keep at it. He looks at me and sighs. I feel accomplished when he takes the taco.
I continue to eat the taco in my hand. I like tacos but I can afford to spare one. Speaking of which.
"How did you pay for all this."
"All this food, how did you buy it?"
He stands up and takes a card from his back pocket. He gives it to me and I examine it closely. It looks like a credit card, but it's different. It's just a blue card with a silver strip, literally nothing else.
"What is this, some magic debit card from the nth dimension?"
"You could call it that."
I was just joking, but I have a feeling that he's not. I give the card back and he puts it in his pocket.
I open my third taco while thinking of other things I could ask.
"Soooooo, where are we?"
He chuckles.
"What's so funny?"
"Oh nothing. I just though you might have asked that before you asked how payed for all your tacos."
"Don't make fun of me."
"I'm not I promise."
I cross my arms. Then I uncross them to eat more tacos. I can't stay mad when there are tacos to be eaten.
"So where are we?"
"Oh I have no idea."
I put down my taco.
"What do you mean you don't know?"
"Well when I was getting us out of the mess you made, I didn't really have a specific destination in mind."
"So what are we going to do now."
"Well I though after this we would get you some new clothes."
Speaking of which, should I ask if he saw me naked? No, probably shouldn't. I can just assume he used some magic to change me.
"And after?"
"After we'll find someplace for you to sleep for the night."
"Shouldn't we keep moving or something?"
"Why would you suggest that."
"Well that's what the people do in the stories I read."
He looks at me, all humor gone from his expression.
"This is not a story, this is real life. This is dangerous, this isn't something that you survive by watching tv or reading a book."
I look at my tacos, I have like 8 left, but I don't feel so hungry anymore.
"I think I'm done."
"Okay let's go."
He gets up to the door and hold it open for me. I quickly get up to follow, noticing that he didn't even take a bite out of the taco I gave him.
We begin walking, me following close behind him. For someone who has no idea where we are, he sure seems to know where he's going?
"Do you know where your going?"
"Of course."
"But I thought you didn't know where we are."
"I don't."
"If you are ever confused about something, just think, magic."
Well that's not a very good answer, but I guess it's not wrong. We continue walking and eventually he leads me to a clothing store. I didn't recognize the name, but it had a Sears kind of feel to it. I walk inside and he sits down next to the register.
"I'll stay here. You go find something you like then bring it here so I can pay."
"What can I get?"
"Just get an outfit, something comfortable."
"I don't want to go alone."
"You'll be fine, I promise."
"I don't want to."
He sighs and gets up. He follows me as I run around the store looking for anything and everything black. I pick out a black sweater with black sweatpants. I show it to him.
"Wow, edgy."
I punch his arm.
"It's my aesthetic."
"Okay lil miss emo queen."
I hit him again, he laughs.
"Well go try it on."
I go to the dressing room and strip off my clothes. I look at myself in the mirror. I still have the same bra and panties that I had before, so if he did really put on those clothes he didn't see me completely naked. I suppose that makes it better, maybe. I put on the new clothes and walk out.
"How do I look?"
He looks at me up and down.
Just great? I look amazing.
"Why don't you get a few other things. You probably won't want to wear the same thing every day. And get something you can sleep in."
I go back into the dressing room, change back, and look for more clothes. I get black leggings, black ripped jeans, a black tank top, a black t-shirt, a few black underwears and bras, and a my little pony pj set. What can I say, I'm a sucker for pinkie pie. I try everything on and then I give it all to Alex. He takes it, pays for it, and we leave. When we get outside there is a taxi waiting for us.
"How long has that been there?"
"I called a taxi."
He opens the door for me, and gets in behind me.
"The nearest motel please."
The driver nods and begins driving.
"What, you don't know where the motel is?"
"No, why would I?"
"Oh no reason. Just figured you knew everything."
He gives me an evil stare and I chuckle. We sit in silence. I thought about starting conversation but Alex seemed deep in thought and I didn't want to disturb him. It didn't matter though, 5 minutes we were there. Alex gives his card to the driver who slides it through the card slidy thing. He gives Alex a nod and hands it back. Alex gets out but I'm a bit slow cause I have to grab all my bags. I get out and shuffle to the main building where I assume Alex went. When I get there he's already walking out, key in hand.
"They only had one room left so we're #4."
"Well that was fast."
"I don't like to waist time."
We walk to the rooms and go to the door with the #4 hanging on it. Alex opens the door and we walk in. I immediately see a problem: there is only one bed.
"Umm what are we going to do about this?"
Without hesitation he gives me his solution.
"You take the bed and I'll take the couch."
He closes the door and plops himself down on the couch. Okay then, but now I feel bad.
"Are you sure?"
He looks up at me.
"Of course. Just change if you want and get some sleep, big day tomorrow."
"Oh I don't want to spoil the fun."
He puts his head down, I probably won't get anything more out of him. I feel a bit dirty and since I'm not entirely sure when I last took a shower, I decide I'll do that. I take my pjs and a towel and go to the bathroom. I strip off all my clothes and put on the hot water. I wait a moment then I go in. The water stings my skin, but it's refreshing. I wash my body and my hair. When I get out I wrap a towel around myself. I look at the counter: they have toothbrushes and toothpaste wrapped up waiting to be used. I open them and brush my teeth, then I take the hairdryer from the wall and dry my hair. I take a brush that they have, sit down on the toilet, and bush. Finally I put on my new pjs. I get out of the bathroom maybe an hour later and look at Alex. He seems to be asleep. I get in my bed and cover myself. I close my eyes to try to sleep, but instead I begin crying. What the hell am I doing? My life goes from completely normal to being chased by some pissy god in a day, and I don't even know where my family is. My one and only friend, I'm not even sure if she's alive. Is anyone worried about me? I'm not even sure if they are even bothering to look for me. What have I gotten myself into? I'm trying to hold back my sobs, but I can't. Tears just keep falling out. What am I going to do. Suddenly I feel a hand on my arm and I hear Alex's voice.
"It's okay. This is all scary I know, but don't worry, I will protect you. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise.
He rubs my arm and I begin to feel better. How does he do that? Why does he need to protect me? What is he getting out of all this? Why does he seem to care? So many questions that I always seem to forget to ask. I close my eyes. Who is he?
"Goodnight angel bean."
Why does that sound familiar?

A Day to remember Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя