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"What the hell are you talking about?"
"You asked me where we were going before, now I'm telling you. We're going to see Salina."
I take a moment to process this new information. It seems that Alex continues to find new ways to just piss me off.
"What the hell are you talking about!?"
"Now I can see you're angry..."
"Oh what gave that away?! Is it because I'm yelling? Well excuse me for being pissed off because I thought I was about to be killed by some psychopath, a different psychopath, but it seems that now we're just going to his house! I remember us doing this before... And it didn't end well!"
"Well before we would have been fine but you decided it was a good idea to go and touch things you obviously shouldn't have."
"Don't try to blame this on me."
"I'm not, I'm just saying I wouldn't willingly but you in danger like that."
How can he be so calm. He doesn't seem disturbed, more happy that this psycho burst through our door. Just then a disturbing thought popped into my head.
"Did you plan all this?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Did you plan for this little prick to come and shove us around for a bit just so you could go meet some other crazy God bitch!?"
There is a moment of science as he formulates his response.
"I didn't plan for this to happen."
"But you did plan for him to take us to Salina."
"Yes but not this soon, not this soon at all."
"I can't believe you."
"Look I'm sorry, but I'm really trying to help you here and Salina is our best bet. I didn't mean for things to happen like this and I didn't mean for you to get hurt, but now that he's here we need to go with him."
I look at him in disbelief. Why could he not tell me this before? What else is he not telling me?
"Where did you go?"
"When I woke up you weren't here, where did you go."
Another pause.
"I can't tell you."
I feel my anger bubble up again, but I put all my energy into keeping it down.
"What do you mean you can't tell me?"
"I can't tell you. There are things you aren't able to understand, not yet."
I stop and take a breath.
"You say I need to trust you, that my very life depends on it, but how am I suppose to trust you if you keep lying to me."
"By trusting that I'm doing what's best for you."
"Well how am I supposed to do that when I don't even know you. I only met you a few days ago and I'm just suppose to follow you blindly into, what logic says, one of the last places I want to go. Why would I do that?"
"Because I'm all you have."
I stare at him. I try to say something but nothing comes out. He's right, he's all I have. Trust him, don't trust him, I know I take two steps outsides without him and it'll only be a matter of time till I'm dead.
"Now come on, Markus is waiting."
I have no choice, I have to follow him. Markus, what a stupid name.
I follow him outside to find a white limo waiting for us. As we approach the doors open and I see Markus sitting there drinking a margarita like he owns the world. What do I know, maybe he does.
"I'm glad you finally decide to join us. Please have a seat, make yourselves comfortable, craft yourself a drink if you like."
He motions towards the bar which has an assortment of liquors, juices, and fruits. The same man who was debating wether or not to kill me just a moment ago is now offering me a heated seat and a sex on the beach... too bad I hate cranberry juice... and the fact that he can stick it.
"No thank you, I'm fine."
I decide it'll be best to play nice. I don't know what he's capable of besides casting invisible blankets over people, and I'm sure sure how much I can trust Alex to keep me safe. Now that I think back I don't know why I ever trusted him so blindly, but I suppose he really is all I have now.
"My now, I'm sure my little gum drop would need something in her after such a traumatic experience. How about a quick rum and coke, to ease the senses?"
1. The first time he called me a gumdrop I was afraid for my life so I didn't think of it too much, now it just pisses me off. I am NOT in any way shape or form a gumdrop.
2. Yes I was put through a traumatic experience, one that HE put me through. No amount of fancy drinks could make up for what he did.
3. A rum and fucking Coke? Ease the senses? What the fuck is wrong with him? What is he trying to get me drunk? Actually I wouldn't mind that considering everything I've been through so far.
"Sorry, she doesn't drink."
I look at Alex who now, as it seems, is my father.
"Oh let the lady have a couple. I say she's deserved it."
I stare at Alex who refuses to look at me.
"Or at least let this lady make her own decisions without being a complete control freak."
Markus lets out a chuckle.
"An independent lady, I like that."
I don't really care what he likes but right now I'm more pissed at Alex then anything else. Who the fuck does he think he is. Alex finally decides to look at me and I see him pleading me with his eyes, as if he's trying to tell me to trust him. Well you know what, I'm sick of trusting him. One drink isn't life or death, and I do deserve it.
"Thank you Markus, I would love a rum and coke."
Markus claps his hands together.
"Wonderful. I've been trying put a new recipe with cumin, tell me how it tastes."
The man who literally wanted to kill me a few moments ago is now mixing me a drink. I don't care really, just the look of disappointment on Alex's face makes it okay. Why the duck should I care what you think? I don't know you. Just because I need you doesn't mean I have to like you. I sip my drink in science and both boys seems to understand that I'm not in the mood for anyone to be talking. I asked Markus not to make it too strong but I feel myself getting a little tipsy, perfect. I continue to drink my drink and no one says a word. When I finish I decide that I might as well give the devil his due.
"That was incredible Markus."
He gives me a flashy smile.
"Why thank you M'lady. I have not entertained guests in a while. I'm glad I could be of service to you."
Considering he's a psychopath, he also seems to be an incredible gentleman. I feel myself growing tired so I decide to put my head down. I close my eyes and everything goes black. It seems to only be for a moment, and in this moment I hear a voice.
Trust your instincts.
You feel something is wrong.
Fight it.
I open my eyes to Alex shaking my shoulder, I try to ignore him.
"Go away and let me nap."
"Nap? You've been sleeping for a couple of hours."
I open my eyes to look at him. Really, hours? It felt like seconds.
"Well I'm tired."
"Well you can sleep inside, we're here."

A Day to remember Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя