You Can Call Me the Orphan {Chapter Three}

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  • Dedicated to My hamster, Missy

Chapter 3

The noise.

It was horrible.

My ears actually felt like they were burning.

“It’s Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday!”

The original song isn’t that bad, but the Chipmunk version is. My friends know I hate chipmunks; they scare me.  I also have sensitive ears -- to horrible noises.

I would rather listen to the original song, by Rebecca Black.

I covered my ears and screamed.

“Turn it off! Turn it off now!” I yelled.

My captors started laughing, and then I also heard that evil laughter again.


I heard it again.


Then I heard the whole thing.

“Hahahaha. Dance.”

It was that one Ke$ha song.

I then just realized that I’d been stupid all along. Nobody was trying to kidnap me, my crazy roommates were scaring me. I was being a tired, sleepy, stupid blonde. And I'm a brunette. Why me?

I quickly shot up from the ground, swiftly kicked Carmen in the leg.

“Ouch! Why did you do that?” she cried, clutching her injured spot.

My answer was simple, “Why did you do what you did?”

My friend was quiet for a moment.

Then, we all burst out laughing.

Since Carmen, May, and Taylor were all laughing a distracted, I decided to get my revenge. I had always wanted to get revenge this way.

I pushed them all onto the nearest bed, went in the doorway and hollered,”Hey Candy! Get in here!”

Even though it was about 5:50 in the morning, That little six year old was at our door in two seconds. She was wearing a pretty pink tutu, with a long-sleeved purple shirt that had a unicorn on it. She had two piggy-tails in her hair, as usual.

She blinked. “Yes, Cat?”

“Can you tell these girls about the American Revolution?”

I looked over to my friends’ faces of horror and smiled deviously. We all hated learning about the American Revolution, because it is very boring thing to learn about. When one of those subsitute teachers taught us about it, we got in trouble a couple times for sleeping during lessons. When were we supposed to sleep? At night we couldn’t, because facts swirled about in our brains, and we couldn’t shut our eyes.

Candy was a little genius; she has a photographic memory. Once she hears or sees something, she remembers it forever. She usually helps Miss Shay with the homeschooling.

Candy grinned her innocent smile. She didn’t know that she was about to cause my friends pain. “I’d be happy to!”

She happily skipped into my room, and I could hear her take a deep breath. I let out this huge smile. Whenever Candy takes a deep breath, that means she’s about to start a very long lecture or lesson.

I silently closed the door, and then looked for the key. It was in a mouse hole right by our door, and so far, nobody has noticed it yet except for me. I still stood in the hall way, only hearing some words pop out of Candy’s mouth. I heard the squeak of the bed as the girls got off of it. They started stomping across the room. My smile got even wider as they got near the door; they didn’t know that they couldn’t get out.

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