Chapter One

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[A/N- Hey, so my name is Bailey and this is my attempt at writing a Calum fanfic. All I can say is that if you like it, please vote because it would mean a lot to me that someone likes my writing :) I'll try to upload a couple times a week, I don't really have a schedule right now because I'm really busy so there might be periods of time where I don't upload but I'll usually try and tell you guys if that's gonna happen :) Thank you so much!]

I've never really believed in epiphanies.

I mean, logically, it's highly unlikely. Nobody can just randomly realize that their life is a complete mistake and they've been doing everything wrong and they have to change something right now or their purpose will just be wasted. First off, if you're experiencing that, you've probably just overdosed on acid or something. Second, your whole life can't possibly be all wrong. You've had to have done something right, even if it was just deciding against wearing white pants on your period.

But when I turned sixteen, I had one.

An epiphany, I mean. Call me a hypocrite all you want, but I'm sticking to it. Honestly, I didn't realize it at the time it happened. I was just sitting on my bedroom floor eating Chinese food from that really shabby place next to that consignment store my mom loves and listening to some indie band when I just dropped my chopsticks and said:

"What the hell are you doing?"

I never believed in talking to myself, either, but now that I think about it, this was a day of historic change.

Anyway, there I was. Just sitting in my three year old Ernie and Bert pajama pants, eating shitty noodles and singing off key when I, yes me, the skeptical asshole, experienced exactly what I swore was impossible.

My thought process went a little like this.

These noodles are actually the equivalent of shit.

I like this song.

Where's this band from again? California?

I bet they have better noodles in California.

I bet they have better everything in California.

Hey, Sav, wanna move to California?

Hell yes I want to move to California.

Your parents would never let you move to California.

Fuck your parents.

Fuck your life.

Your life is as shitty as these noodles.

Which in actuality wasn't quite true based on the "starving kids in Africa" statistic that every parent relies on when giving their kids pep talks about life. But, that was my epiphany. Comparing my life to greasy Chinese food opened my eyes. I never said it was poetic and inspirational, but it does qualify as an epiphany. Or maybe I just have no fucking clue what I'm talking about.

All I knew was that my entire life consisted of going to school, coming home to annoyingly devoted and protective parents, pretending that I really liked that organic chicken mush my mom made for dinner and listening to music that no one had ever heard of before.

The truth is I was bored. There was nothing to do in a dusty, redneck state like Indiana. Did I mention we have a lot of Baptists here too? My neighbors were the people who handed out those million dollar bills with the face of Jesus and some insanely long sermon on it instead of candy on Halloween. Yeah. I was surrounded by those people. And I decided that I wanted out.

When I was in seventh grade, my math teacher told me, "The only thing stupider than having a dream is sitting on your ass and expecting it to come true." I now realize that this was the most inspirational thing anyone has ever said to me. They should put that on a poster.

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