Chapter Eleven

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"Hey, Savanna. Savanna. Hey."

I felt two hands grasp my shoulder and shake gently. I groaned and rolled away from them, burying my face in my pillows.

"Go away."

"Do you want to be late for the party? You haven't even gotten ready yet. Plus this is like the third nap you've taken today." Avery said.

I grabbed a fluffy pillow and swung it over the side, smacking her with it. "I don't want to go. And it's not a party."

I cracked an eye open.

"And it's only my second nap."

"Nope, get up. You're the one who wanted to go." She pulled my arm.

"I never said I wanted to go, I just mentioned it. It would be rude not to mention it." I mumbled into the pillows.

"Savanna, I swear to God. Why don't you want to go?"

"Uh, last time we were at their house you got drugged, I passed out, slept in a strange boy's room, and I woke up with a killer migraine." I lifted my head up to give her a look.

"He's not so strange anymore." Avery smirked, raising an eyebrow.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I yelled, pushing myself onto my elbows. "Is that the only thing you got from that?"

"It means you're coming. No buts."

Avery left the room and I groaned. I snuggled back down into my blankets, trying to catch a few extra minutes of sleep before somebody came barging in here with some threat to get me out of bed. After a while, I finally rolled out of bed, like literally rolled, landing on my flat butt. I just sat there and rested my head back.

"I don't wanna go." I whined, dragging out the o.

The door to my room opened and Britt stuck her head in. "Too bad. And stop whining, it's annoying."

"You're annoying." I yelled at the empty space where she had been standing before she left.

I stood up and trudged over to the huge-ass closet in my room. My under-abundance of clothes made a pathetic impact in the gargantuan space. I started leafing through racks of clothes, sighing and groaning all the way as I tried to figure out what to wear.

"it's not a party." I grumbled to myself as I grabbed a plain white racer back tank.

"It's not a party." I repeated, snatching a pair of light wash jean shorts

"It's not a party." I muttered, putting on a heather gray cardigan.

I slipped on my dirty white Vans and sat down at the vanity in the bedroom. I brushed my hair out and did my makeup, lightly because I didn't want it to look like I was trying too hard.

I wasn't trying too hard.

I was hardly even trying. Britt was bound to make some remark about how I looked like a hobo and Avery was going to huff out a "Really?" and Reagan wouldn't say anything.

I love Reagan.

I pinned my bangs back with a bobby pin that I found in my pocket because they were doing the annoying thing where they flip out every which way and stared around my box covered floor. I really needed to stay here and unpack.

I just really needed to stay here.

There was a knock on my door. Britt poked her head in again.

"We're leaving. Come on."

I sighed and grabbed my bag, slinging in over my shoulder. Britt looked me up and down.

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