Chapter Nineteen

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*Savanna's POV*

Calum fell off the stage.

I didn't see it because I was too busy looking down to hide the blush on my face. They were good, Calum was good and it was the kind of good that made your stomach clench up and emotions flare and the music was so different and it was good. I was smiling the whole time, mostly because Calum was smiling while he was on stage.

Well, until he fell off of it.

I heard a gasp and a squeak of some cord ripping out of an amp and then multiple girls screaming and I looked up to see all of them reaching foward to touch him and I kind of wanted to puke. He looked so embarrassed but he was smiling and so I smiled.

God, why are things so complicated with him? I feel like I'm on an episode of 90210.

I watched him climb back onto the stage with the help of Luke. Ashton was standing up to make sure he was okay and Michael was doubled over the amp crying with laughter. I feel like I would be Michael in that situation, but I still felt bad for Calum.

"I'm just glad my bass is okay, forget about my face." Calum joked into the microphone, his voice cracking and I hiccuped a little bit.

Girls started squealing something about his "perfect angel face" and I rolled my eyes. But I guess that's just how some girls view them, and that's okay. It's not like he's mine anyway.

It's not like he's mine anyway.

It's not like he's mine anyway.

Sobs internally.

After the show was done, 5 Seconds of Summer disappeared and I had know idea what to do with myself. Britt suggested drinking. Avery suggested dancing. I wasn't good at either of those things, so I decided to do both.

"Okay, your first shot. I have to record this." Britt said, pulling her phone out of her clutch.

"It's not that monumental." I said, rolling my eyes.

"I know. But it'll be funny as fuck."

I have great friends. 

I looked dubiously at the tiny, clear glass filled with clear liquid that I knew wasn't vodka just by the smell that was stinging the inside of my nose. I picked it up and wrinkled my nose.

"Chug, chug, chug, chug." Avery said.

"It's a fucking shot of tequila, she's not chugging anything." Britt said, shushing her. "C'mon, Sav. The quicker you do it the faster it'll be over."

I sighed and tilted my head back while I quickly gulped it down. It felt like I had coated my throat with lighter fluid and I bent over as I exploded with coughs. I could feel the tears coming out of my eyes and the stinging in my nose and throat and I thought I was literally going to die. Britt patted my back as the fire in my throat slowly burnt out and I stood back up, wiping the tears away. My body felt lighter and there was a slight buzzing in my head and despite how awful it felt drinking it, it felt good now. I smiled.

"Can I have another one?" 

Britt laughed and signaled the bartender and I was greeted with another small glass of death. I quickly swallowed it, but no matter how quick I tried to get it down, my throat ripped open with coughs and I about choked to death.

"That shit is fucking awful. Get me another one."

The third time was better. I didn't hack up a lung and the burning was almost pleasant and I felt kind of tipsy but still aware of everything. Who knew drinking could be this fun? Once you got past the acid burning your esophogus, it was actually quite enjoyable.

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