Chapter Sixteen

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ok so this is a shorter update sorry. and i also wanted to just point out that the boy's aren't on tour with one direction in this story they're just on tour with themselves because they're just that rad :-) okay happy reading


The next day, June 11th, was apparently "National Ditch Savanna Day' because in the morning I woke up to a completely empty house and three different text messages explaining where my great, loyal friends would be. Avery was going to her orientation for her internship, Britt was shopping, and Reagan was "out."

I was sitting in my pjs and eating a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Alone.

That changed around noon when Calum called me, much to my surprise. He happened to be in the same predicament as me and asked if I wanted to "do something."

There is something to be known about me and that is that I have two very different feelings to being alone. Sometimes, I love it. I crave it. I absolutely love the quiet of a house and when I can do whatever the hell I want. Dancing around the house in my underwear? Check. Diving frantically behind the couch when my old, uptight neighbors go out to fetch the mail and glance over my way? Oh yes. Double check. 

But other times I hate it. Those times usually include when I'm in a new place or an awkward situation. Which is now.

So I said sure. And an hour later, here I am, eating sushi across from Calum, who looks absolutely perfect in a white V-neck and black skinny jeans, while I look absolutely disheveled in yoga leggings and a tie-dyed t-shirt from seventh grade.

I eyed the foreign sushi in front of me and poked it with the end of a chopstick. "Are you sure this is safe?"

Calum laughed. "Yes. They cook it a little bit. It's good, I promise."

"I can't even... shit." I swore as I fumbled with the chopsticks. "Don't they have forks here?"

"No. Here, look." He held up his pair.

I mimicked him and after several failed attempts, I managed to finally get a piece of sushi in my mouth. I basically threw the sushi the last three inches into my mouth, but I got it.

"It doesn't taste fishy at all." I said, surprised.

"I told you. Good, right?"

"Goo-" I said sloppily as I chewed another piece.

"So where are your friends right now?" I inquired, jabbing a chopstick in his direction.

"Off somewhere. Mikey's sick." Calum shrugged.


There was a short, awkward silence as we both chewed and tried to think of things to talk about. I stared out the big glass window at the little shops lined along the street, watching the people. They seemed happy here. I could be happy here, right?

"What are you thinking about?" Calum asked suddenly.

I swallowed. "Um, I'm thinking about being happy."

He raised an eyebrow. "Are you happy?"

I thought for a moment. "Not as happy as I thought I would be."

I looked down at my lap and played with a fray on my yoga pants. When I looked back up Calum looked upset. It confused me.

"I just wonder if I made the right decision in coming here." I blurted. "Like, all my friends are in Indiana, going to college together. I just wonder if I would have been happier there."

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