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WE were sat on a freighter train, which was on its way to Chicago. We were huddled in a corner of the car, which was full of bags of grain.

"You okay?" Percy asked me. When I nodded he smiled to himself. He grabbed my hand and looked at my ring finger, where the engagement ring still rested, I couldn't look at it anymore, and it made me feel sick to my stomach just looking at it.

I looked away from it and saw a sad faraway look in Percy's sea green eyes, "hey," I pulled his chin up to look at me, "we're fine, it wasn't our fault, we couldn't have done anything."

"I know..." he trailed off. He snapped a smile onto his face and then he was fine. That's the best way to deal with things, wake up, get up, smile, and try to forget. That's what I do every day.

"Do you think we're nearly there?" he asked. I got to my feet and walked over to the gap in the side of the train car. On the horizon I could see the outline of Chicago's skyline.

"Almost," I confirmed, "not quite yet though." I sat down by the gap and Percy came over and sat down next to me.

"No matter what happens Annabeth Chase I love you," he told me, "always remember that."

I laughed, "How could I forget when you remind me every 10 minutes."

"Just making sure you don't forget about me!" he grinned, he scrambled to his feet and peeked thought he gap, "I think it's about time we got off this train." He offered me a hand and pulled me to my feet.

I went over and pulled the train car's door open, we looked at each other, he offered me his hand and then, together we jumped.


We rushed down the back alleys of Chicago towards Percy's friend's shop. The sun is starting to rise and the early morning commuters and starting to emerge. We keep our heads down and try to walk at a normal pace, not drawing attention. Despite that we keep our hands tightly clutched together.

I spare a glance behind me and see that there are two patrolling police officers. I pull Percy into an alley.

"Annabeth?" he asks. I don't reply, I just keep pulling him along behind me, "Annabeth why are we going this way?"

"There were police on the road." I tell him, we keep weaving in and out of back alleys, trying to avoid the now crowded streets for fear of being recognised. "Percy?" I ask.

"Yes?" he replies.

"Where is this shop?" I ask.

"Just down this road," We go back to walking in silence. "We're here," he mutters as we come up to the door of 'Leo and Calypso's garage' Percy pulls the door open and we slip in.

There is a small boy about our age sitting and the desk, Percy walks over to him and grins, "Hey Leo."

Leo looks up from the wires that he is fiddling with and his face spreads into a grin, "Percy! Long-time no see."

"Yer we'll we've spent the last three years running away from all different types of law enforcement, we don't have that much time for home visits." Percy crossed his arms over his chest. Three years, has it really been that long?

"Okay, you win," Leo put his hands up in surrender, "so why are you here now?"

Percy raised his eyebrows, "You still making fake IDs?"

"Of course," Leo grinned.

"We need some." Percy told Leo.

He sighed, "Good I thought I'd never get to make any again."

Percy grinned, "Glad we could make you happy."

Leo grinned again, "It's a good thing that Calypso's not here, she'd totally freak!"

"What you haven't told your girlfriend that you're high school best friend is now the most wanted guy alive?" Percy put a hand over his chest, "I'm hurt Valdez, really hurt."

"Haha very funny," Leo said sarcastically, "Anyway let's go out back and then we-"

Leo was cut off by the door opening and a pretty girl with golden eyes and dark skin.

"Hi, do you have any-" she froze when she saw me and Percy. "You're," she pointed at us, "you're..." she fainted.

"oh s***," Percy swore.

"This isn't good is it?" Leo asked.

"Nope," I told him, "this is the opposite of good."

Hey guys.
So I've finally reached 800 followers and this book is your reward for helping me get there.
Thank-you all so much for helping me get here.
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~Em xx

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