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I was excited. Our plan had worked and in just a few minutes me and Percy were going to be reunited. I watched the hole which they were going to be climbing up as if it were going to disappear.

Jason and Piper watched me with interest. Thalia and Luke sat a few meters away from me talking quietly. Frank sat next to me watching the hole too. Waiting...

Finally Leo climbed up, with a massive grin on his face. He climbed out and stretched out a hand, Hazel took it and climbed out of the hole too, with slightly teary eyes. Frank swept her into a hug.

Finally a mop of messy black hair emerged closely followed by the grinning face of Percy.

He wasn't even fully out of the hole before I tackled him in a hug. He smelt like salt (with a hint of sewer).

"Hey Annabeth," Percy patted me on the back. I kissed him. A long kiss. Like no one was watching, we pulled away from the kiss and looked at eachother. As I looked at Percy a lump of anger seemed to build up in my throat. I grabbed his wrist and flipped him over my shoulder. He landed on the concrete a dan I pressed my knee to his throat.

"If you ever leave me again, I swear I'll-."

"Consider me warned!" Percy laughed, "I missed you too, but can I get up now?"

I helped Percy to his feet.

Frank had replaced the man hole cover and He and Hazel stood watching us, holding hands. Jason and Piper both had massive grins on their faces. Thalia and Luke had rejoined us and were laughing at us. And Leo stood in the middle smiling like an idiot.

There was a prolonged silence, before Hazel frowned, "so what do we do now?"

No one seemed to know how to answer her question. Percy looked at me, "well I don't know about you guys, but I think it's time for me and Annabeth to get married."


Jason found us a minister who smelled largely like cigarettes and alcohol and a church to get married in. We knew that the service had to be quick. But we didn't care. All I cared about was marrying Percy.

"Do you Percy Jackson promise to love this woman in sickness and health. Till death do you part?" The minister slurred.

"I do." Percy winked at me. Jason had given him some clothes so he was able to change out of his orange prison uniform.

"And do you Annabeth Chase promise to love this man in sickness and health. Till death do you part?"

"I do," I grinned like a mad man. Looking straight into Percy's sea green eyes.

"Then I pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride," Percy dint need telling wife. His lips slammed into mine. Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank, Hazel, Thalia and Luke all applauded.

The minister waddled off leaving us alone.

"So where are we all off to now?" Percy didn't let go of my hand as he brought me over to the others.

Leo grinned, "I think I'll fain innocence and go back to my shop, after all I'm totally innocent!" He winked at them.

"I get the feeling that we're gonna take the brunt for this," Jason said as he and Piper exchanged looks, "how do you like the sound of Australia Pipes?" Piper nodded and laughed.

"Well we're going back to our apartment," Thalia said, "it's worked so far, I hoping that it will carry on working."

Frank and Hazel looked at eachother, "we're heading back to Chicago, if they don't pardon us then we'll go to Italy for a while or something." Frank said.

All eyes turned to Percy and I, "what about you guys?" Leo asked, "where will the newlyweds be honeymooning?"

"I've always liked the sound of London?" I looked at Percy.

He grinned, "London, yer sure. We'll be in London."

Hey guys!!!! How are you?!?? So this is the last chapter!!! I will be doing a sequel so keep this in your library and I'll be posting updates, hopefully I'll have the new book up by the beginning of 2017!!!
Remember to vote, comment and await my next book!!
~Em xx

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