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PERCY and Annabeth walked back over to where we were standing.
"You can come, with us," Annabeth said.
"Thanks, so where are we headed?" I asked, Percy and Annabeth looked at each other and then looked at Leo.
"We still need those IDs Leo, know anywhere we can get them?" Percy asked.
Leo thought for a second, "Um yea. My half-brother and sister-in-law own a shop pretty similar to mine in St. Louis, we could try there."
"St. Louis it is then," Percy smiled.
"Okay, am I allowed to use the bathroom now, I think I'm about to poop my pants."


"Are we nearly there yet?" Leo asked.
"Shut up!" Percy yelled, he drove like a madman and I seriously feared for my life.
"He means yes," Annabeth said, rolling her eyes. "Are you guys okay?"
"Not really," Hazel-who was sitting in the middle of me and Leo-said, looking a little green, "but I'll live."
"Don't worry, Percy hasn't killed anyone yet," Annabeth laughed, her face darkened, "well that's not what everyone else seems to think."
Me, Hazel and Leo exchanged a look, I didn't know about the other two but I didn't see how these two sweet, kind and funny people could commit a massacre.
I could easily see Leo being the shady type, who could accidently burn down an office block with hundreds of people in it, but I couldn't picture either Annabeth or Percy hurting anyone without good reason.
They made me feel slightly guilty about what I was doing, I was setting them up, despite the fact that they clearly didn't deserve it.
But then I remembered what I did for a living. I did this, I tricked people into thinking something and then robbed them of everything that they had. I had never once felt bad about this before, why should now be any different?
We passed the 'welcome to St. Louis' sign, "So, Leo?" Percy asked, "Where is this brother of yours?"
"He has a shop near west port plaza, if we go there and order them, then find somewhere to crash for the night we can get them from him tomorrow." Leo said.


Percy pulled up outside 'Charlie and Silena's corner shop' they all climbed out of the car Percy and Annabeth hurried into the shop before anyone on the street could recognise them, the rest of us followed quickly after them.
"Beckendorf?" Leo yelled, once the door of the shop had shut behind us.
A woman came out from the back of the shop, she had long black hair and beautiful blue eyes, she was the type of girl who you couldn't help but look at. There was no doubt about it, she was very beautiful.
"Leo!" She said, smiling, "no Calypso?"
"No she's still in Chicago," Leo grinned, "Is my brother here?"
"Oh, he's upstairs," the woman said, "who are your friends?"
"This is Frank, Hazel, Percy and Annabeth." Leo pointed to each of us as he said our names, "guys this is my sister-in-law Silena."
Silena frowned, looking at Percy and Annabeth, "Leo I think I've seen your friends on the news."
"Yer you probably have, we need some fake IDs." Leo said.
"You've come to the right place then, how many and who of?" a male voice said from behind Silena.
"Beckendorf!" Leo said.
"We just need two," Annabeth said, "one of me and one of Percy."
That comment was met by a babble of protests from me, Hazel and Leo.
"I got you the IDs there's no way you're ditching me here!" Leo said, glaring at Percy.
"I'm not going back home after this!" Hazel cried, "Annabeth you're my friend now, I won't leave you!"
"I don't have anywhere else left to go!" I reasoned, "I'm on the run just like you guys!"
"Okay fine," Percy rolled his eyes, "I guess that we'll be needing five then."

Hey guys!
Here's chapter five, I hope that you enjoyed it, so do you guys think that Frank will actually turn Percy and Annabeth in?
Well I already know, but I'm just seeing what you guys think...
Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I will be aiming to post the next update between Monday 4th of July and Friday 8th of July.
Remember to vote, comment and feel free to PM me whenever you want to!
~Em xx

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