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“So Jase and Piper are going to get hold of the prison schedule, Leo is going to get some fake IDs and me and Thalia are going to pretend to be prison guards, give Percy the message in his food, then Annabeth is going to use the schedules to work out a plan to get me and Thalia back out with Percy?” I asked, leaning back in my chair.
Annabeth nodded, she pulled a laptop out of her bag and logged on, “I can easily find the time with the least guards and calculate the least guarded route for you to get out and how fast you need to do it, I can also easily locate the keys and re direct all of the security cameras so that they don't see you.” She said all this with her hands flying across they keyboard, typing up all of the things that she was saying. Everyone stared at Annabeth some with looks of confusion and others of shock, “what?” She asked.
“Nothing,” Thalia gave her head a slight shake, “you've really not changed a bit since high school”
Annabeth shrugged and went on typing.
“We’ve brought some burner phones,” Piper said handing them out, “if you have anything to tell anyone or you need anyone just call.”
Me and Thalia walked out of the apartment building with our hoods up and our heads down. We hurried through the busy streets back to our apartment, which fortunately was only a few blocks away.
When we got back we sat down on the moth eaten sofa in the middle of the room.
“Do you really think we can do it?” I asked Thalia as I stared at the wall opposite the sofa with its cracked and peeling white (well at some point it was white) paint, “I mean he's going to be under much more security than me!”
“You’re not kidding,” Thalia sighed, “but we've got to try, I owe Annabeth a lot.”
“Yer, we both do Thals,” I put my arm around her.

Jason and Piper got the blueprints with no problem. Me and Leo set about hacking into the prison’s mainframe to retrieve the schedule.
It didn’t take us long.
With the blueprints and schedule my mind slowly started to formulate a plan.
Thalia and Luke were already in position. With fake papers from Leo and recommendations from Jason and Piper, they had been given jobs without question. They had give Percy the message Sit tight! I'm coming Seaweed Brain! And now all they were waiting for was the plan from me. No pressure.
But I kept getting distracted, memories from high school kept coming to the surface of my mind causing me to get lost in the horror that was my senior year.
Sure since then i had faced much worse things. But that was the first time I had experienced real fear, the type that keeps you up at night and stops you from thinking of anything else, and that's a memory that no one forgets in a hurry.

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~Em xx

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