chapter 1

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her eyes flit around the room, surprised at her new vampire vision then stops on her husband.  her red eyes meet his golden ones as his left hand stretch out to her. she lifts up her left hand, twisting and turning it before it slides up his arm. his hands go to her cheeks and she leans into his touch, while retracting hers. she looks up at him.

"so beautiful." he whispers. "we're the same temperature now." he smirks. they walk over to a full length mirror. she was in front of him. she smiles at her temperature before turning around and crushing him. he grunts surprised, as his newborn wife crushes him. she breaths in his sent.

"hey, Bella." he says looking the mirror. "your a lot stronger then me now."

"its your turn not to break me." he says smirking as she lets go of him. she pulls him close, with her new strength, by the waist. he laughs.

"i love you." she whispers.

"i love you." he says right back. then they make out.

"Renesmee." she whispers as she pulls away.

"she's incredible." he says laughing.

"where is she? i have to see her." she says excited.

"wait. wait." he says stopping her as she turns around. "you need to get your thirst under control."

her hand reaches for her throat as she realizes she thirsty, very thirsty.

"yeah, you'll need to hunt." he says. then they jump out of the window. i smile as i come out of my vision.

"your mommy's awake." i mind link Renesmee, putting my hand to her cheek and showing her my vision.

"i hate when they do that, especially when Edwards not here." Emmett says groaning.

"Edward," i tell him looking up from the happy Renesmee. "is out hunting with his newborn wife."

"she's awake?!" Alice squeals.

"yes, how did you not know that?" 

"the walls are soundproof." she says. 

"did not know that." i say. she smiles. jacob enters the house. he has been here a lot since he imprinted. he sits next to me and i give him Renesmee. they immediately start playing.

"well im amazed." Edward says from outside. "you ran away from a human mid hunt."

"your still here." Edward sighs as Jake goes out to them leaving Renesmee with rosalie.

"so are you." Jake replies. "i didn't expect you to seem so..."

"except for the creepy eyes." he adds on.

"i would keep my distance for now." Bella warns.

"careful jacob,  maybe this isn't the best way-" Edward starts off.

"you think it would be better to let her near the baby first?" Jake interrupts. "its safer to see how Bella does with me, i heal fast."

"its your neck, i guess." Edward says.

"not that that would prove anything, anyway. your stench Jake is awful to full vampires and they wouldn't dream of eating you." i say coming outside.

"i gotta say it bells. you're a freak show." Jake says grinning at her.

"watch yourself mongrel." Edward growls as Bella smiles at him.

"no he's right. the eyes are really something aren't they?" Bella says.

"super-creepy. but not as bad as i thought it would be."

"gee-thanks for the amazing complement!"

Jar of Hearts//Jasper Hale[5]Where stories live. Discover now