chapter 8

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suddenly im no longer watching the battle, im in it. i was there watching everything happen, in that same white dress. i couldn't do anything as i saw everything happen. i could still feel hands on me, most likely someone in the present holding me up. 

somehow jasper got free, and they all start taking out black coats, one shot at the head and their dead. i was setting the bodies on fire. Alec tackles Bella and Jane gets jasper on his knees. and im forced to watch as jasper's head is taken off. i cry and fall on to my knees.

my shrill scream of no is echoed around the field. Emmett then kills Alec. i look around and see a couple of dead wolves. another wolf dies, i think it was Seth.

i look around and see Bella at the hands off four vampires and most of our vampires but ben and i in the hands of them. i look at Benjamin and nod. in anger he brings his fist down and the ground splits open. the bottom was filled with lava. a lot of black coats fall in and, well die.  then Esme almost falls in because of a black coat clinging to her back so i think it was Leah, decided to jump on the black coat bring down both her and the black coat. Edward falls in and i thought he was dead before he suddenly flies out of the crack in the earth. Alice catches sight of Jane and goes after her. Jane being Jane tries to cause her pain but Bella has Alice covered. Jane quickly runs off like the coward she is. Alice then appears in front of her and  Sam takes care of her. Kate, Tanya and Garrett bring down caius when he runs out into battle. 

Marcus now alone stands still with his arms out as Vladimir and Stefan tear him apart.

wow a suicidal vampire. aro mad then enters battle. Edward walks towards him. Bella seeing their face off runs at aro but aro pushes her back and she lands on Edward. they quickly get up as aro starts running at them. Edward picks Bella up and flings her around and her foot catches aro's face. Bella and Edward take him down and that was the end of the head of the volturi. we-Edward, Alice, aro and i-are brought out of the vision at this point. aro pulls away from aro, he looks at our assembly with fear and awe as everyone waits for his decision.

"now you know." Alice tells aro. "that's your future. unless you decide to take another course."

"we cannot alter our course, the child still possesses a grave threat." caius says. 

"but what if you were sure that she could remain concealed from the human world?" Edward asks. "could we leave in peace?"

"of course, but that cannot be known." caius says as Alice backs away from them.

"actually it can." Edward says. i frown confused until i realize that i was so focused on the vision i didn't notice another presence. we all stand and wait as two figures enter the clearing. a man and a woman, but the man had a strange heartbeat.

"i've been searching for witnesses of my own." Alice says as they reach her. "among the ticuna tribes of Brazil."

so that's why they look familiar. 

"we have enough witnesses." caius says harshly.

"let them speak brother."

"i am half human, half vampire." the vampire says. "like the child."

"i became full-grown seven years after my birth. i have not changed since then." relief fills us knowing Renesmee wont grow old quickly then die.

"and your diet?" aro asks intrigued.

"blood, human food. i can survive on either."

"these children are much like us." Marcus says observant.

"regardless the Cullen's have been consorting with were-wolves." caius. "our natural enemies."

"if i could." i say loudly taking a few steps forward. "they are men of the moon. they are shape shifters." i tell both aro and caius. "the full moon not being out, proves that."

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