chapter 4

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'Dear dad,

we have a slight problem over here in the town named after a utensil. Bella and Edward came back from their honeymoon and Bella was pregnant. with Edwards child. a half human, half vampire. she was born and Bella died, now she is a vampire. jacob- my best friend the werewolf who fell in love with Bella- imprinted on Renesmee, Bella's child. Renesmee was born, she grows fast. she can eat human food but tends not too. she doesn't have venom. Irina, the Cullen's cousin, came over for a visit i guess, and saw Renesmee jumping for snow flake's. Irina jumped to conclusions and thought Renesmee was an immortal child. she went to the volturi. im not asking you and your family to fight, we just need enough witnesses to have the volturi stop and listen. also, jasper and Alice left to do god knows what.

all the other Cullen's have gone looking for witnesses, ill stay at the house to greet them. it would be of great help if you came, but i get it if you dont.'

i set the letter down on the desk on top of the french, German and Italian covens letter's. i put them in envelopes send them off.


i hear talking outside. Bella, Edward and jacob had gotten back with the Denali coven a couple of days ago.

"Benjamin can influence the elements." i hear Edward say from outside. i freeze then hop out of my seat.

"and here i get super self control." Bella says.

"is that who i think it is." i call out as i exit the house. Benjamin was making a mini tornado in Renesmee's hand. "is that Tia-" i get cut off.

"Nina!" Tia yells and hugs me. "your a vampire?"

"yes, well sort of. its a long story. the short story is Carlisle's adopted son jasper is my mate and i was turned." i say. Edward and Bella look at me with pity.

"oh, can you stop that?" i tell them, sighing. all they've been doing is giving me pitying looks. "yes i get it, jasper left me to with his adopted sister to do who knows what in who knows where. but he will come back."

"so much faith." Tia teases.

"someone has to have it. plus i bet Alice kidnapped jasper or threatened him." i say joking. "i think its the former."

"Nina." Benjamin says as i let go of Tia and hug him.

" hello Benjamin, you haven't changed much." i tell him. he chuckles as i let go of him. "though that's expected."

we all turn as animals all cry out and several vampire's run at vampire speed to us. they land in front of us, two of them of amazon culture. two sisters.

"who are they?" someone asks.

"they are sisters from the amazon." they relax when they hear my voice. "though they seem to be missing a sister." 

"where's kachiri?" i ask them. they shrug.

"vampire's, werewolves and half humans meet senna and zafrina from the amazon." i introduce them. they watch with caution as Bella approaches with Renesmee. they except her as Renesmee shows them her story. i can tell zafrina and Renesmee would have a great relationship seeing as they can both project something.


each visitor i knew, some i didn't. garret came after zafrina and senna.

"the red coats aren't coming." i tell Garrett as he comes through the door.

after that was the Irish coven who i also knew.  there was three of them siobhan, liam and Maggie. i smirked at the fact that Jake was very uncomfortable with all the vampire's. sometimes Seth joined us.

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