author's note.

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i loved this story so much, and i am sad it has come to an end. like really sad. id like to thank you all for the great comments i've had, and all the reads. those really surprised me the most.

you guys made the story all the more easier. i think the only thing i had a problem with was calling Elliot, dad. that i found really weird because i dont even call me dad, dad. no i call him by his birth given name, i do the same with my mom.

this book was started may 18, 2016 and it was finished June 5 2016.

this series was started April 17, 2016 and it finished June 5, 2016.

now to tell you what i will be working on next:

i will be working on fire dancer, my Scott McCall/teen wolf fan-fiction and the girl in the aviators. along with a harry potter fan-fiction and possibly a jacob black fanfic.

fun fact: did you know Tyler posey the main character in teen wolf tried out as jacob black first but didn't make it? he know says doing teen wolf was the best decision he has ever made.

and if you want to read any fan-fictions, by me or not by me, i have reading list just dedicated to all the fan-fictions i've read. there's one for each fandom.

harry potter
the vampire diaries
teen wolf
the maze runner
rise of the guardians
the mortal instruments

i even have one just for jasper hale and one just for jacob black. i also have one for 1D and 5SOS. dont judge, this is a judge free zone-BTW i dint like them very much and like paranormal books better.

im also working on this series of short stories. i call it Short Stories Of Music. or SSOM. its basically i have a book for each singer or band. and each chapter will be based on one song and ill create a short story to go along with the song. some will be paranormal and some wont. some will be fan fictions and some wont. and none of them are connected unless i say so. SSOM is an original idea all made up by me along with the girl in the aviators (which by the way is a true story) so please dont steal.

also who else hates Megan trainer's new song 'no'? or any of her songs? i honestly dont like them, period except maybe lips are moving.

i loev you guys so much, i thank you all for this amazing experience. it has really helped me.

Jar of Hearts//Jasper Hale[5]Where stories live. Discover now