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Jake drops the wood into a pile in the middle of the clearing for the bonfire. Benjamin lights one fire. Jake nods at Benjamin and he lights four. i squeal.

"do it." i say my eyes light up.

"what is your fascination with fire?" Benjamin asks me.

"its just so pretty." at the same time both Benjamin and i toss fire into the logs lighting it up.

"that's what im talking about." Jake says as he sits next to Benjamin. "a little pre-battle bonfire."

"telling war stories." Jake continues. "or just standing there like fricking statues."

i sit next Tia.

"name any american battle. i was there." Garrett says as Benjamin smiles at Jake's comment.

"little bighorn." Jake says.

"i came this close to biting Custer. but the Indian's got him first." Garrett complains.

"try ogle's assault on Constantinople." Kate says zooming over next to Garrett. "he didn't win that one on his own."

"if were talking battle's" liam speaks up. "your talking the eleven years war. no one rebellion like the Irish."

"you lost the eleven years war." Garrett points out.

"aye. but it was one hell of a rebellion." liam says and i laugh.

"when we ruled everything came to us." Vladimir starts. "prey, diplomats, favor seekers. such was our power.  but we never put on white hats and called ourselves saints."

"we were honest about what we were." Stefan says. 

"we sat still for a very long time." Vladimir says.

"we didn't notice we were beginning to petrify." Stefan adds. "perhaps the volturi did us a favor when they burned our castles."

"we've been waiting 1, 500 years to return that favor." Vladimir says as we continue to tell battle stories.

"Nina, do you have any stories?" someone asks.

"'friad not. the only battle's i've seen are the newborn battle last spring and some Iraq battles where i was a nurse."

"sexy." Alexander says.

"perv." i tell him smiling.


the next morning the snow stuck to the ground and we all gathered in groups across the field.  front and center was Bella, Renesmee and Edward. to their left and a little behind was Emmett and rosalie. on their right was Carlisle and Esme. our formation was split-Carlisle's witnesses on the right side and mine on the left. i stood in the front of them all.

"if we live through this," i hear Garrett speak from across the field to Kate. "i'll follow you anywhere woman."

"now you tell me." she respondes simply as we all wait for the arrival of the black coats.

the black coats soon arrive out of the forest, slowly.

"the red coats are coming! the red coats are coming!" Garrett says excited. they all walked in a strait line so it looked like millions of them. the main guard separated from the others and came forward even more.

"aro's looking for Alice." Edward says as we both read his mind. Kate and Tanya gasp as irina walks in with the guard. i hear howling and know the wolves have come in behind us. 

the wolves come forward and go in between the groups of vampires. i see a were-panther, aka Luke, next to Leah. good, she needs someone in her life. jacob stands next to Bella and Renesmee. then the guard takes off their hoods and Carlisle steps forward.

Jar of Hearts//Jasper Hale[5]Where stories live. Discover now