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jasper shuts off his engine in front of the school. he turns and looks at me. i look back at a now 17 or 18 year old nicky. 

"now remember,"i start.

"no boyfriends or falling in love with humans." she says and i smiles.

"yes, we dont need another Bella." jasper says and i whack his arm. we get out and are faced with two other cars. the Cullen's used to be able to drive to school in one car, but they've added six members. Bella, Renesmee, Jake, Elliot and i so we had to go in separate cars. 

we all smile at each other and enter the building, smirking as we enter the old school. we had told them Renesmee and Bella were sisters-biologically, and Elliot, nicky and i were siblings, also biologically. smart Hun?

we enter the school all eyes following the pale newbies-except Jake and i, we're not pale. we're tan.

hopefully this year wont end up like the last time the Cullen's were in forks, with car crashes, James, clumsy Bella and victoria. but thankfully the only one who could fall in love is nicky. and i was silently hoping she wouldn't.

but i guessed i crossed two fingers because she fell in love with sam and emily's grandson. at least there was no drama this time. 

can i just say one last thing? my dad married my mom's aunt. does that make her my step mom or my great aunt or both? Alice, my step mom/great aunt. 

mom would love her along with nicky.

Jar of Hearts//Jasper Hale[5]Where stories live. Discover now