chapter 6: i just played cupid

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"they enjoy a good fight." Stefan says laughing quietly.

"Aro's witnesses?" Eleazar asks cautious, taking a step forward.

"and the wives." i pipe up.

"aww." Vladimir says. "still hoping they'll listen."

"when Aro wants someone from a coven," Eleazar starts when we're all in the house questioning him. well they are im not. "its never long before evidence turns up proving that coven committed some crime."

"so he's done this before?" Bella asks.

"it happens so rarely i never realized it was a pattern." Eleazar says.

"apparently he always pardons one person whose thoughts he claim are repentant." Carlisle says.

"this person always has an ability." Eleazar says.

"Jane, Alec, Felix, renata, Chelsea, didyme, corin, Heidi, afton, mela..." i list.

"and they're always given a place on the guard." Eleazar continues.

"this is all about Alice." Edward says.

"this is about you and Alice, and possibly jasper. if this is what he does with you guys, imagine what he would do if he found out about me?" i say.

"he has no one like her." he continues ignoring me.

"which is why she left." Bella says joining on his thought.

"why does he need witnesses?" Emmett asks.

"to spread the word that justice has been served." i say.

"after he slaughters an entire coven." Alistair says.

"Benjamin, Tia." amun says getting up with kebi and moving towards the door. "were leaving."

"and where will you go?" i ask.

"what makes you think they'll be satisfied with Alice?" Edward asks joining in on my thought. "what's to stop them from going after Benjamin next?"

"or zafrina or Kate or anyone with a gift?" i ask. "anyone they want. their goal isn't punishment, its power, its fear. its acquisition."

"Carlisle might not ask you to fight, but i will." Edward says to all the vampire's in the house. "for the sake of my family, but also yours. and for the way you want to live."

everyone falls silent then Jake stands up.

"the packs will fight." he says. "we've never been afraid of vampires."

"we will fight." Carmen says standing up with Kate and Tanya.

"this wont be the first time i fought a kings rule." Garrett says also standing up.

"we'll join you." Benjamin says.

"no." amun says.

"i will do the right thing amun." Benjamin counters. "you may do as you please"

"we will stand with you." senna says as Bella stands up.

"so will we." Maggie from the Irish coven says as they stand up. peter and Charlotte nod. 

"i've always seen Nina like a daughter. we will fight." mason says as the french coven stands up.

"we will fight." my dad says placing a hand on my shoulder. i look at him and smile graciously. the German and Italian coven stand up.

"that didn't take much." Vladimir whispers to Stefan looking at the all standing room. i roll my eyes but laugh.

"lets hope it doesn't come to that." Edward says.

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