epilogue #1

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"are you ready?" my dad asks me in Alice's room.

"nope." i say and put my hand on his forearm. "lets do this."

we walk down the stairs, not having to be careful because were both vampires. the dress swirls around me as i descend the stairs.

"so how are you and Alice?" i ask him. they had gotten together and were very much in love.

"we're good." he says smiling.

"did you propose yet?" i ask him. he smiles and shakes his head laughing. we get to the back doors so we can enter outside and stop. there in front of me was char, Bambi, Alex, caly, Bella, Alice and nicky-who now looked like a five year old. i picked the girls as my bridesmaids and nicky as my flower girl. she insisted, even though i was going to do it anyway. 

"hey, how's my favorite girl?" i ask her bending down.

"im good, mommy." she says shyly.

"hey, you'll do great out there. you look beautiful." i tell her and she smiles brightly. the music starts playing and nicky heads out first followed by the girls. i get up from my crouch and take my dads arm again. the music for the bride starts and the doors open by our magical powers (it was only vampires with us). we walked down the red lane to the stage where i was needed. in the seats we're all our vampire and shifter friends. i catch sight of jasper at then, handsome as always in a suit. we smile at each other and the only thing to keep me from skipping down the aisle is my dad.

my dad hands me over to jasper who immediately kisses my hand.

"ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here on this glorious day to witnesses the union of Nnenna captivar and jasper hale. please repeat after me." Emmett says. yes we got him to get a certificate to make our marriage legal and yes we made him be a priest. his voice fades in the background as we speak our lines.

'i, jasper hale'

"i, jasper hale" jasper says looking deep in my eyes.

'take you Nnenna captivar,'

"take you Nnenna captivar," 

"to have and to hold," 

"for better or for worse,"

"for richer, for poorer."

"in sickness and health."

"to love"

"to cherish"

"as long as we both shall live." i say.

"that may be awhile." jasper whispers to me repeating the line i told him at Bella's and Edwards wedding. i smile.

"i do." he says.

"i do." i repeat.

"you may now kiss the bride." Emmett says closing his book with a small bang. jasper reaches out to my cheeks and kisses me. my hands go to his arms as we kisses passionately. we finally break apart after what seems forever.

we we're now one. legally and physically.


so this part one, part two is next. just saying, part two isn't a different ending or anything, its just another epilogue.

Jar of Hearts//Jasper Hale[5]Where stories live. Discover now