chapter 2

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"finally." Edward says from in the house as i kiss jasper one last time before we all go into the house.

"my turn." rosalie says and i tune them out.

"ill get you back." jasper whispers, low enough that the others cant hear him, but i can. i giggle.

"good." i whisper back. he smirks. we walk in silence.

"where does she sleep?" Bella asks as we get closer to the door.

"in mine, or Nina's. or Edwards or Esme's." rosalie respondes as Alice pushes open the door excited. Jake wakes up.

"happy birthday." Alice and i tell Bella.

"no one starts counting on the actual day of birth." Bella reminds us. "your first birthday is on the year mark, Alice, Nina."

"were not celebrating your vampire birthday, yet." Alice says.

"its September thirteenth, Bella. happy nineteenth birthday!" i tell her. Alice holds out the key. the key to her cottage.

"no, no way. no this count i stopped aging three days ago. im eighteen forever."

"whatever." i say.

"were celebrating anyway," Alice says.

"so suck it up." i add on.

"are you ready to open your present?" Alice asks.

"presents." Edward reminds her and pulls out another key.

"mine first." Alice says.

"mine is closer."

"but look at how shes dressed."Alice moans. "its been killing me all day. that is clearly a priority."

"i know-ill play you for it." Alice says. "rock, paper, scissors."

jaspers chuckles from behind me and i lean into him smiling.

"why dont you just tell me who wins?" Edward asks.

"i do. excellent."

"its probably best that i wait until mourning, anyway." Edward says.

"yay!" Alice cheers. Bella looks at Renesmee.

"what about Renesmee?"

"she'll be asleep. in rose's arms. or Jacobs. or Nina's. or Esme's. you get the picture. she has never been set down in her entire life. shes going to be the most spoiled half-vampire in existence." Alice respondes.

"she is also the most unspoiled half-vampire in existence," rose says. "the beauty of being one of a kind."

"lets go, lets go." Alice says grabbing Bella's elbow and dragging her outside.

"is it outside?"

"sort of." Alice says.

"enjoy your gift." i tell Bella.

"its from all of us. Esme especially." rose says.

"aren't you coming?"

"well give you a chance to appreciate it alone, you can tell us about it later." rose says. me and Emmett snicker. then they leave.

"alright, well im going home." i say grabbing my keys. "call me if you need anything."

Emmett smirks at me as i leave with jasper. i roll my eyes but hop in the car. jasper picks me up and puts me in the passenger seat. i glare at him and he chuckles as we drive away to my house.

"what was that for?" i ask him.

"a lady should never drive." he respondes looking at me.

"im not sure if you noticed, but im not a lady." i point out. he smirks.

Jar of Hearts//Jasper Hale[5]Where stories live. Discover now