chapter 3

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"well done, bella." jasper tells bella as we walk up behind them, along with Emmett. "never seen a newborn show that kind of restraint.

"not sure she is a newborn." Emmett says smirking. "shes so tame."

"Emmett, dont antagonize her." Edward tells him as jasper looks at Emmett. "shes the strongest one in the house."

"i counter that." i tell him smirking. 

"strongest full vampire." he corrects.

"im offended."

"please." Emmett snorts, cracking his knuckles.

"Nina, would you do the pleasure?" Emmett asks as we go to the back so Emmett can prove his manliness. i roll my eyes, but create a rock, the they can do the arm wrestling on.

"dont hurt yourself, Emmett." Edward warns him as Bella and Emmett place them selves on opposite sides of the rock. the others, including Renesmee, have come out to watch Emmett's fall.

Emmett smirks at him as Emmett and Bella clasps their hands together and put the other behind their backs.

"all right, on 3." jasper says.

"no cheating." i add.

"1," jasper says from his spot beside me, his arm wrapped around his waist.

"2," Emmett readjust his grasp.

"3!" i yell. Emmett grunts as they wrestle. he pushes Bella's hand over a little bit. she pushes back, so their in the middle. he looses his smirk as he puts all his muscle in the battle. Emmett starts to look worried as Bella pushes his hand and wins the match, destroying part of the rock.  we applaud.

"did you see that?" Bella asks. Edward laughs. Emmett scowls at her and backs away from the rock. 

"dont worry, Emmett. you can go against me and ill let you win so you can get your ego back." i say smirking at him. we all laugh, and Bella's starts to punch the rock.

"not funny." he says.

"very funny." i retort.

Bella kicks the rock and we all laugh silently.

"thank you."

Bella stops kicking the rock as the first few rays of sunshine she's seen since she's waken, come through the trees. she advances and stands in them. she sparkles.


we all watched as things fell into place. jacob wasn't in the pack again, but they made up. the volturi got note of Bella's engagement and sent her a gift. then we watched as Renesmee continued to grow.

she now looked like a five or four year old.

It was the calm before the storm, and it was meant to fall.

Renesmee, Bella and jacob were out playing in the snow. i stood behind them, in dream scape, asleep, in my usual white dress.

"look a snow flake." Renesmee says as a snow flake lands in her hand, not melting. 

"its beautiful." Bella says from her crouched position in front of her."why dont you get another one?"

Renesmee skips off to catch now flakes.

"Edward thinks we will find answers in Brazil." Bella says. "there are tribes there that might know something."

Bella smiles as Renesmee jumps high to catch a snow flake. Renesmee hugs Jacobs, wolf leg as we catch sight of Irina on the mountain with a furious expression as she sees us, well them.

Jar of Hearts//Jasper Hale[5]Where stories live. Discover now