33. Well shit

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Well, shit. This was a disaster.

Bucky, being from the 1940's, had never been on a plane before. Even without a metal arm, this was already going to go south.

We sat down, first class thanks to Tove and her bloody SHIELD badge. Bucky took the window seat, for some stupid ass reason, and had me sit next to him. As expected Tove and Loki sat somewhere alone.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me." Bucky chanted as we took off, squeezing my hand harder.

"Maybe later, not in public." I joked.

"Not helping Willa." He said through clenched teeth.

I put my hand on his cheek and turned his head towards me. "Listen, it'll be fine. It's only an hour flight. We can watch an episode of Game of Thrones if you want?" I said, taking out my phone, which had the first season on it.

"Yes please." Bucky said in a small voice.

I started an episode and gave Bucky one earphone and took one for myself. I saw Bucky start to relax and let go of my hand slightly, allowing blood to flow back into my hand. About half the way through the episode, Bucky stopped it and we started talking about what it was like for him back in the war. He was telling me a story about the first time he saw Howard Stark.

"So I was with Steve and these two girls, Alice and Daisy, and Howard had this-" Bucky stopped as he saw my face fall. "What's wrong?" He looked panicked

I looked up at him. "Nothing."

"Little Willa's jealous." Bucky laughed.

"I am not! Anyway, she's probably dead anyway." I smiled.

"Well that makes you happy doesn't it?" Bucky laughed. "Anyway. I know she's not dead. She was doing fine last time I checked."

My face burned as he continued to tease me.

"I remember she had these grea-" "James!" I inturrupted him.

"James eh? I think I like that." He said poking my side.

"Stop it!" I laughed.

Just as he was about to say something again, the overhead said we were landing.

We were home.

*This is such an awful chapter, I'm so sorry. I saw Civil War, so me and Alex figured out how to incorporate it. Just a warning, but after this chapter, we're going into Civil War, so if you haven't seen it:

1. Go see it

2. Cry for a few days

3. Refuse to acknowledge it happened.


5. Come back and read Alex's chapter, which *should* be out of Saturday, but she has exams, so we never know.


Sophie xxx

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