12. Magic

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Tove's P.O.V

My head was throbbing as I opened my eyes. What the hell happened?
Then it all came flooding back. The interrogation. Bucky. That strange sensation and....Loki. Whatever happened was most certainly his fault.
I sat up and took in my surroundings. It was literally just a forest. Nothing interesting. There was a river behind me and the forest in front of me. There might have been, what you could call, a road, but it was a pretty shit road. I also noticed that Bucky, Willow and Loki were all still out of it on the ground next to me. I looked at my mug which was still in my hand. The coffee had spilled out. I stood up and walked over to Willow. She was alive, which was good. I didn't really care about the other two. I'm sure they're fine. I noticed that Willow still had her mug as well, so I crouched down beside her and prized it from her fingers. I got the mug and Willow didn't do anything.
I walked to the river and filled up both mugs with water and walked back to the others. The water was very cold so I dripped a bit on Willow's neck and Bucky's nose. This got them up. Since I had only used a couple of drops on each of them I still had pretty much two mugs of water. In fact it was more like 4 as my mug was from Edinburgh Dungeons and their mugs are the equivalent of three normal sized mugs (A/N My drama teacher has one). I decided to dump the rest of the freezing water on hornheads face. Loki sat up quickly, spluttering.
"What was that for?!?" I picked him up and shoved him against a tree with a knife to his throat. The knife had been in my back pocket.
"Where are we?" I growled not caring how l close we were.
"Well this is an interesting position." He smirked. I knee-d him in the crotch and he cried out in pain.
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!?!?!" I shouted evidently pissed off. "Answer the question properly or I will shoot you."
"I tried to escape. I didn't mean to take anybody with me. As to where we are, I have no clue. For Valhalla's sake I was just trying to get out. I didn't care where I went." He sounded annoyed but I didn't care. I took the knife away from his throat and went to talk to Willow. Then I heard "Shame that ended. I was enjoying that." He had gone too far. I whirled around and pulled out my taser and shot him. He fell on the floor, grunting with the pain and shock. I walked over to Willow.

"So what are we going to do?" I asked her as nicely as I could.

"Maybe we should scout out the area, get a lie of the land, and maybe even figure out where we are." Bucky said looking around.

"At least one of you idiots actually say something useful." I said glaring at Loki who was still on the floor.

"I get the feeling you're slightly angry at me." Loki said still sounding a bit in pain, but he also sounded quite calm which just annoyed me more.

"Slightly, SLIGHTLY!!! You know wha-"

"Ok. Tove calm down. We need to scout out our surroundings. Two people should stay here and two people should go and scout about." Willow said.

"I just said that." Bucky said annoyed.

"I don't care." Willow quipped back. "Two people should scout. Two people should stay here."

"I was just about to say that." Bucky was getting angry.

"Again, I don't care."

"You two sound like an old married couple." I said, trying not to laugh. That resulted in two very scary death glares. "Sorry. Whose gonna go then?"

"I'll go!" Bucky and Willow said in unison. I just snorted as they glared at each other.

"Uh. Ok. I'll with Stumpy whilst you stay with Antlers." Willow said, extremely annoyed.

"Fine. But don't blame me if you come back and he's dead." I said through gritted teeth. Willow just rolled her eyes at me.

"I'm supposed to be the mean one." And with that she walked over to Bucky, hit him and then they disappeared into the trees. I was left alone.....with him. I started pacing back and forwards, trying to calm myself down. I could hear Loki picking himself up and muttering under his breath about a 'annoying, mere mortal, yet good looking, bitch. She really thinks she can take me. I am a God' or something like that.

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