47. The New Accords

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Tove's P.O.V.

I stepped off the jet and onto the runway of the Heli-carrier. I missed this. The feeling of the wind rushing through my hair. The rush of Agents running around getting to their vehicles, bringing in prisoners. The chatter of top secret information.

I looked around. When I was last here things were so simple. We were interrogating Loki and Bucky without the fear of war breaking out between the rest of the Avengers.

Speaking of Loki, he was standing on the runway about 20 feet from the jet I had just gotten off of. He was standing with Thor and....Bruce.

"They found you." I said to Bruce whilst walking over to the three of them.

"You seemed pretty anxious to get to me, I guess they tried even harder." He replied.

"Where were you?"

"On an unnamed Island in the middle of the Pacific. Nice holiday getaway. I would recommend it. Barely anyone disturbs you." I laughed at his remark.

"Agent Ash!! What is the meaning of this?" Fury shouted, storming over to me.

"What is the meaning of what?"

"You, bringing a criminal and fugitive onto the Heli-carrier." He practically screamed into my face.

"You know technically those two words mean the same thing." Bruce muttered which earned him a death glare from Fury.

"Loki is a class 1 criminal. He is dangerous and untrustworthy."

"I disagree." I stated.

"You what?" Fury said in shock at my disobedience.

"I trust him. With my life. That is why I asked him to help me."

"Yes. That brings me onto my second point. Why on Earth are you here and not sorting out this Civil War?"

"That is actually why I'm here. The only reason this stupid thing started is because of the accords. And these three are the only Avengers who aren't taking part." Fury raised an eyebrow at the fact I called Loki an Avenger. "So, I wanted to enlist their help to write up some new accords that we can take to the governments of the world which should hopefully sort this whole ordeal out."

"And do you think it will work?" Fury asked.

"I don't know but it's worth a shot."

"Very well. If you trust Loki then I'll let you keep him. "

"I am not a toy." Loki said through gritted teeth. I patted him on the back as I walked passed him and into the main hub of the Heli-carrier.

Maria walked over to me. "It's nice to finally meet the face behind all the mysterious calls." She said sarcastically.

I laughed. "Sorry about all that. It was important."

"It's fine. We have organised a Government meeting for you in Australia in two days time at 12pm local time which is 7pm tomorrow here. As it takes roughly 20 hours to get to Australia you will be leaving now to give you plenty leeway time so you will have to write the accords on the plane and in the hotel."

"Thank uou Maria." So we all turned and headed back out to the runway. Just as I sat down on a seat in the plane with a tea on the tbale, my phone rang.

"Hello, Agent Ash. Who's speaking?" I said.

"Hey. It's me. I need to talk."

{16 hours later}

20 cups of tea later and we had nearly finished the accords. After I had hung up on Willow (and gotten a new cup of tea) we went straight to work, coming up with ideas for the new accords that would be helpful to all involved.

"You should get some sleep." Loki said placing another cup of tea infront of me and then sitting in the seat across from me.

"Thanks, but I need to get this finished before the meeting. I'll sleep when we get to the hotel." Even though I was nearly passing out I wasn't about to stop for some mild inconvenience like sleep. 

Thor and Bruce were wandering around the plane to stretch their legs.

{5 hours later}

Bed. Finally. Sleep.

We had finally finished the accords. Which finally meant I could sleep. My head had just hit the pillow when Thor came crashing into my room.

"Lady Ash!!"

"Yes, Thor?" I groaned.

"Lady Kingsley has been arrested."

"WHAT?!? Is she ok." Loki then came running into the room.

"Tove, calm down. It'll be fine. Especially when you win this.....thing. But first you need rest. Now sleep."

I could hardly argue with that as I literally passed out when he said that.

{1 hour before the meeting}

I was rushing around putting on make up and sorting out hair. Once I had done that I put on a slightly tight black dress. I rushed out of my room and down to the hotel foyer. The threeguys were standing there in suits.

Loki raised his eyebrows at me. "You look....nice." I felt like he was going to say something else but decided against it.

We all piled into the car and it was a short 10 minute drive to the hall where the meeting was being held.

After we all found our seats and everyone else was settled the meeting began.

At first it was introductions which I tuned out of until I heard:

"Please welcome Tove Ash to the podium."

Here we go.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the world's governments. I am Tove Ash."

{2 hours later}

"The official vote has been counted." The  announcer guy said. "And it turns out that every country present voted FOR the new accords.

Holy Shit. We had done it. Everything was sorted.

I turned and threw my arms around Loki's neck and buried my face in his shoulder.

"Holy shit." I whispered. "We've done it."

"Well done." He whispered back.

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