35. The Sokovia Accords

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Tove's P.O.V

The spell started and it felt like I was floating. My vision went haywire and I couldn't see properly. I could hear Loki in pain so I tried to reach for him, screaming his name. A few seconds later everything went dark.

A few seconds later I woke up. I was in a bed in the Avengers Headquarters. I rolled over and nearly screamed. Loki was right next to me.

"OH MY GOD LOKI!! DON'T DO THAT!!" I shouted. He didn't respond. "Loki?" I asked worridley, slowly getting up and walking round the bed. I proceeded to shake him. He didn't do anything so I checked for a pulse. I sighed with relief when I found a faint heartbeat.

No response but a heartbeast. He was in a coma. I nearly burst into tears. Half happiness as he wasn't dead but also sadness because I didn't know when he would wake up. I walked back round to the other side of the bed and sat down with my back to Loki.

Loki was in a coma and Willow and Bucky were God knows where. I couldn't anyone from Storybrooke as I had no one's number. I felt alone.

Then I heard someone coming down the corridor to my room and I started freaking out. If they saw Loki I was done for. Suddenly pale pink whisp of smoke appeared from my hand and disappeared just as Tony walked in the door. To my surprise he didn't say anything about Loki.

"Hey, Tove."

"Hey." I turned around to look at Loki but noticed he had gone. I leant back and put my hand where his was last. It was still there. Loki was just invisible.

"General Ross has arrived. The meeting is about to start." I tensed up at the name 'General Ross'. I hated that guy with a passion. What he did to Bruce annoyed me so much.

"Ok Tony. I'll be there in a minute." Tony nodded and then walked out the room. I stood up and walked back around to the other side of the bed. I flicked my hand and another pale pink whisp of smoke appeared. Then Loki came back. I smiled down at his peaceful state. He looked much happier when he wasn't trying to take over the world. I don't know what came over me but I decided to lean down and planted a kiss on his lips. He felt cold but being in a coma whilst being a frost giant proably didn't help. I pulled away and decided I should probably go to the meeting.

As I walked out the door I noticed a card sitting on my dresser. It was an Avengers card...My Avengers card. Loki had made me an Avenger.

{30 Minutes Later}

Admittedly, I didn't listen to most of the meeting. I had already heard everything. Right now we were all sitting in the open living room discussing our opinions on the accords. once again I wasn't listening. I was to busy worrying about... well everything.

"Tove. What do you think?" Sam asked.

"What?" I said confused.

"What do you think of the accords? Were you listening to anything?"

"Something about coffee beans in the sink and a smart guy who got killed in Sokovia." 

"Really?" Wanda said.

"Sorry I've got a lot on my mind right now. The accords though..." I sighed. "I don't really know."

"Are you going to sign them?" Steve asked.

"I can't sign something that I don't think is entirely right. But I also don't think that they're wrong. If that makes  any sense."

"We really need to remove 'I don't know' from your vocabulary, Tove. Then you might actually start making decisions." Tony said. I chuckled and then noticed Steve checking his phone. His face fell.

"You ok Steve?" I asked with concern.

"Yeah. I just gotta do something." He then got up and walked out the room. I followed.

"Steve what is it? You can tell me."

"It's Peggy. She's..She's.." He couldn't finish his sentence but I knew what he was saying. I pulled him in for a hug. Peggy was my idol but to Steve. He loved her. I couldn't imagine what he was feeling right now.


IT'S UP ON THE DOT!! OMG Civil War was amazing and I also have a IG account called alexlaufeyson_cartoons. Love me.

Alex_Laufeyson Xxx

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