Act 1-Scene 3

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Three thousand ducats, hmmm.

Yes, for three months.

For three months, hmmm.

As I said before, Antonio will guarantee the loan. If I default, he'll pay you.

Antonio will guarantee it, hmmm.

Can you help me? What's your answer?

Three thousand ducats for three months, and Antonio will guarantee it.

Your answer?

Antonio's a good man.

Have you heard anything to the contrary?

What? No, no, no, no. What I meant in saying he's a good man is that he has enough money to guarantee the loan. But his investments are uncertain right now. He has one ship bound for Tripoli, another heading for the Indies. What's more, people at the Rialto tell me he has a third ship in Mexico, and a fourth in England, as well as other business ventures throughout the world.But ships are just fragile boards, and sailors are just men. There are rats and thieves and pirates-not to mention storms, winds, and rocks. Anything could happen. But in spite of all this, the man is still wealthy enough. Three thousand ducats-I think I can let him guarantee your loan.

I assure you he can.

I will be sure he can, before I make the loan. And I'll think of a way to be sure. Can I speak with Antonio?

If you like, you can dine with us.
Oh yes-to smell pork? I don't think so!. Your prophet Jesus sent the devil into a herd of pigs. I'm not going to eat that. I'll buy with you, sell with you, talk with you, walk with you, and so on, but I won't eat with you, drink with you, or pray with you. Any news on the Rialto? Who's that?

ANTONIO enters.

This is Signor Antonio.

(to himself) He looks just like a guy who's robbed me but now comes to beg me for a favor! I hate him because he's a Christian. But more than that, I hate him because he stupidly lends money without interest, which lowers the interest rates here in Venice. If I can just get the upper hand of him once, I'll satisfy my old grudge against him. He hates Jews. Even at the Rialto he's always complaining about me and my negotiating and my hard-earned profits, which he calls "interest."It would an insult to Jews everywhere to forgive that man!

Shylock, are you listening?

I'm thinking about how much cash I have on hand. If I remember correctly, I can't raise the entire three thousand ducats immediately. But so what? Tubal, a wealthy Jew I know, will supply me with the cash. But wait a minute! How many months do you want? (to ANTONIO) Oh, hello, how are you, signor? We were just talking about you.

Shylock, although I never lend or borrow with interest, I'm willing to break that habit to help a friend in need. (toBASSANIO) Does he know how much you need?

Oh yes, three thousand ducats.

For three months.

Yes, I forgot-three months. (toBASSANIO) You told me that. (toANTONIO) Now then, about your guarantee. Let me see-but listen, Antonio, I thought you said you don't lend or borrow with interest.

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