Act 2-Scene 9

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NERISSA and a servant enter.


Hurry, hurry, close the curtain quick. The prince of Arragon has taken his oath, and he's coming to make his choice now.

Trumpets play. The Prince of ARRAGON, his entourage, and PORTIA enter.


Look, here are the boxes, prince. If you choose the one that contains my picture, we'll be married right away. But if you fail, you have to leave immediately. No pleas will be allowed.


I swore I'd do three things. First, I can never tell anyone what box I choose. Second, if I choose the wrong box, I'll never propose marriage for the rest of my life. Third, if I pick the wrong box, I'll leave immediately.


Everyone who comes to gamble on winning me has to swear to these three rules.


Okay, I'm ready. I hope luck will give me what my heart hopes for! Gold, silver, and common lead. "He who chooses me must give and risk all he has." You'd have to be more attractive for me to give or risk anything for you. What does the golden box say? Hmm, let me see:

"He who chooses me will get what many men want." What many men want-that "many" could mean that most people are fools and choose by whatever is flashy. They don't go beyond what their eyes see. They don't bother to find out what's on the inside. Just like those birds called martins who build their nests on the outside of walls, people pay too much attention to what's on the outside. So I won't choose what many men desire, because I won't jump on the bandwagon and include myself with the whole crude population. So I guess it's you, you silver treasure house. Tell me once more what you say. "He who chooses me will get what he deserves." That's nicely put-because who's going to cheat luck and get more than he deserves? No one should have an honor he doesn't deserve. Oh, wouldn't it be great if property, rank, official positions, and other honors were earned only by merit, not by corruption? There wouldn't be too many important men then. How many people who are humble now would be great then? How many people who give orders now would have to take orders? How many noblemen would be weeded out and would become peasants? And how many common people would suddenly shine with nobility? Well, let me get back to my choice. "He who chooses me will get what he deserves." I'll assume I deserve the very best.-Give me a key for this one. I'll unlock my fate here in a second.

ARRAGON opens the silver casket.


You thought about it too long, considering what you found there.


What's this? A picture of an idiot holding a scroll up for me to read! I'll read it.-It looks so unlike Portia! This outcome isn't what I hoped for, or what I deserve. "The one who chooses me will get what he deserves"! Didn't I deserve anything more than a fool's head? Is this my prize? Don't I deserve more than this?


Judging what you deserve is one thing. Offending you is something very different, so I'll keep my mouth shut.


What does this say?

(he reads)

"This box was tested in the fire seven times.

The person who never makes a wrong choice

Has wisdom that will stand the test.

Some people kiss shadows.

They only feel the shadow of joy.

There are fools out there

With silver hair and silver coins.

This choice was as foolish as they are.

Take whatever wife you want to bed with you,

You'll have a fool's head forever.

So go away. You're done here."

The longer I stay, the more foolish I look. I came here with a fool's head on my shoulders and now I'm leaving with two.-Goodbye, sweet lady. I'll keep my oath and patiently suffer through my anger.

He exits with his train.


These men are like moths, drawn to these boxes as if they were flames. This is how the candle burned the moth. Oh, these fools! When they choose, they only know how to lose.


You know what they say. Destiny chooses when you'll die and who you'll marry.


Come on, close the curtain, Nerissa.



Where's lady Portia?


Here. How can I help you, sir?


Madam, a young Venetian man has arrived to tell us his master is about to arrive. This lord has sent gifts. Besides his nice polite greetings, his gifts are expensive. I haven't seen such a promising candidate for your love. This servant has arrived before his master the way a sweet spring day hints about a lush summer. But there's never been an April day as promising as this.


Please don't tell me any more. I'm almost afraid you're going to tell me he's a relative of yours, because you're going so crazy praising him. Come on, Nerissa, I want to go see this man who's come so courteously.


I hope it's Bassanio coming to win Portia!

They exit.

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