Act 4-Scene 2

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PORTIA and NERISSA enter, both still in disguise.


Find out where the Jew's house is. Give him this deed and have him sign it. We'll leave tonight and be home a day before our husbands get back. Lorenzo will be happy with what we've done.

GRATIANO enters.


(he gives PORTIA BASSANIO's ring) Sir, you're lucky I caught up with you. Bassanio thought about it some more and sent this ring to you. He would like to invite you to dinner.


I can't have dinner with him. Please tell him I accept his ring with thanks. And could you please take my servant to old Shylock's house?


I'll do that.


(to PORTIA) Sir, may I speak with you?(speaking so that only PORTIAcan hear)I'll see if I can get my husband's ring, which I made him swear to keep forever.


(to NERISSA) I bet you'll be able to. They'll swear they gave the rings to men. But we'll deny it and outswear them too.-

Go, hurry. You know where I'll be waiting.

She exits.


(to GRATIANO) Sir, will you show me to Shylock's house now?

They exit.

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