Act 2-Scene 6

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RATIANO and SALARINO enter, dressed for the masquerade ball.


This is the roof under which Lorenzo said to meet him.


He's late.


Yes, and that's surprising, because lovers are usually early.


Yes, for new lovers time passes ten times faster than for couples who've been married forever.


That's always true. Who gets up from a meal with the same appetite he had when he sat down? Can any horse retrace his footsteps with the same energy he had when he walked them the first time? We chase everything in life more excitedly than we actually enjoy it when we get it. It's like when a ship sails out of the harbor with all its flags waving, gently pushed by the wind. When that ship returns, her timber is all weather-beaten and her sails are ragged. That same wind makes the ship thin and poor.


Here comes Lorenzo. We'll talk about this later.

LORENZO enters.


My dear friends, thanks for your patience. I had business that made me late. When you have to steal your own wives some day, I'll wait for you just as long. Come over here. My future father-in-law, the Jew, lives here.-Hey! Who's in there?

JESSICA appears above, disguised as a boy.


Who are you? Tell me so I can be sure, though I swear I recognize your voice.


I'm Lorenzo, your love.


Lorenzo, that's for sure, and I'm also sure you're my love-who else do I love so much? And now who but you knows whether I'm yours?


As God is my witness, you know you're mine.


Here, catch this box. It'll be worth your while. I'm glad it's nighttime and you can't see me. I'm ashamed of my disguise. But love is blind, and lovers can't see the silly things they do around each other. If they could, Cupid himself would be embarassed to see me dressed up as a boy.


Come down here. You have to be my torchbearer for the masquerade.


What, I have to hold a candle up so people can see what I'm doing? The truth is, I'm behaving like a loose woman. The torchbearer is supposed to bring light and love, but I should be hidden away in the dark.


You're hidden away, sweetheart, dressed up like a boy. Come on quickly. Time flies at night, and we're late for Bassanio's feast.


I'll lock up the doors, grab some more ducats, and be with you right away.

JESSICA exits from above.


My God, she can't be a Jew, she's too nice!


God, I'm crazy about her. She's wise, if I'm judging her right. She's beautiful, if my eyes can see. And she's loyal, as she has proven. And as long as she's herself-wise, beautiful, and faithful-she'll always have a place in my heart.

JESSICA enters.

Ah, you're here?-Come on, gentlemen, let's go! Our masquerade mates are waiting for us.


ANTONIO enters.


Who's there?


Signor Antonio?


Gratiano, where is everybody? It's nine o'clock! Our friends are all waiting for you. There's no masquerade tonight. The wind is blowing right, so Bassanio's going onboard immediately. I've sent twenty people to look for you.


I'm glad. I want to head out tonight.

They exit.

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