i. live your live (come on baby): 🥕1🥕

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A/N: 18/04/2017 - I wrote this entire story over a year ago and have since improved in both grammar and writing style so if there are any shortcomings in this entire work, please forgive my former naive self.

This chapter is dedicated to gyujinseyebrows and the next to MayukoTakai, my fellow VMin shippers <3 <3 Thanks for being my inspiration fam!

Hope you're all ready for a hell of a ride.


i. live your life (come on baby)

Jimin's movements are as clumsy as a toddler's with each step forward giving him the sensation of sinking into mud—heavy and sluggish. Beads of perspiration trickle down the side of his face, and he pants profusely beneath the weight of the two other boys leaning heavily on either side of him.

He pauses to adjust the body on his shoulder to keep it from sliding to the pavement, wrinkling his nose at the disgusting odour of alcohol, sweat and puke. The smell of his own shirt caked with vomit, courtesy of the rambling drunkard on his right shoulder, makes him gag uncontrollably.

"Park Jimin!" the hazel-haired bastard hoots. "Gallop off into the sunset with me-ee~" He then cackles wildly making the shorter boy's hairs stand on end.

"You ruin my shirt one more time, Hoseok-hyung, and I'll leave you here to gallop all by yourself."

Hoseok pouts in response, turning his head and giving Jimin a sloppy kiss on the cheek that reeks of eau de after party. Jimin stifles the urge to retch.

Lugging the limp bodies of his tipsy college mates through the automatic doors of their building, Jimin maintains a strong grip on the arm slung over his left shoulder to prevent its owner from getting away.

"Jeonggukkie," Jimin grumbles. "Quit fidgeting; I can't hold you properly."

"But Jiyong-hyung is waiting to tango with me!" The boy hiccups, his curly locks a disheveled mess and his shirt askew. "GD-hyung, wait for me~" He wails, words slurred in an alcohol-induced haze. Jimin ignores him, focusing his energy on keeping Hoseok from barging headfirst into a wall.

After dealing with Jeongguk professing his undying love to a wilting cactus (You could just tell me I'm a bad kisser, baby, no need to poke me!), Jimin has to further endure a lift journey upwards to their floor, accompanied by a soulfully cacophonous rendition of Big Bang's 'Bang Bang Bang', belted out at an ear-splitting pitch by the two intoxicated boys at his sides. He glares at the lift doors, contemplating what the fuck he ever did to deserve this type of shitty treatment.

Ever since that one time he had followed his senior Jung Hoseok on one of his club excursions in his freshman year, Jimin hasn't gone to a single nightclub or frat party ever since. Namjoon still has blackmail footage of Jimin on the roof in his birthday suit, drunkenly performing a soprano version of 'This is Gospel' to the entire city of Los Angeles. He's never lived that incident down and he vowed to never set foot in that club ever again, or any club for that matter. (Everyone still remembers that fateful news report, in which firemen had to manhandle a certain boy off a rooftop amidst said boy screeching the chorus at the top of his lungs.)

Park Jimin, clubs and alcohol just do not mix.

So how he ended up clubbing the night before heading back to campus for the new semester, he has no freaking idea. Nor does he have any inkling how on earth his neighbor from Busan, freshman Jeon Jeongguk, had ended up tagging along for the ride (everything must be that damned Hoseok's fault) despite Jimin's reluctance at Jeongguk's age (there's always the incredible invention of the fake ID and of course no one listens to Jimin, no one).

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