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To my almost-best friend in real life (I never call anyone best friend, only really really good friend so), my kpop fangirl buddy, my editor and my writing mentor as well as kpop soulmate, siroccosylph. Without you, this fic won't even exist. The fact that my writing has improved so much is because of you, tirelessly beta-ing for me and bearing with my extreme fangirling at weird hours of the day.

To our other friend in real life, for bearing with me being so annoying, not everyone can handle my extreme amount of energy, I know. If sometimes you have doubted out friendship, please remember that I treasure both you and deeply. That time, when I was dealing with all the crap in my life and I was at my lowest point, you guys were there. You helped me so much, I can't even convey how much I love the both of you. You are the Sun in my life, my friend.

To my beta readers from Tumblr, @btsbeta and @btslibrarian for beta-ing the entire fic in one week. You all fixed a lot of grammar mistakes, sentence structures as well as word flow. Now I feel really inspired to keep improving my grammar and writing style, you all are amazing :D

To my Original Fam for being so supportive and amazing :D I love all of you guys and life isn't complete without all of you <3

To gyujinseyebrows, fellow VMin shipper thanks for inspiring me by writing Omegle (check it out, it's so adorable gah) and ETHERYO for being so supportive.

To YOU dear reader for clicking on this book and giving it a shot, whether you've been here since the beginning (part of that bunch who had to wait for this fic's debut for almost 7 months, sorry about that) or you've read this later on. I hope that you all have enjoyed reading this fic and following VMin on this journey, watching them grow. I couldn't ask for more amazing readers, I love all of you <3

And finally to my older sister, who's been with me all my life through the ups and downs, and had to put up with me for the last 18 years. Thanks for giving me ideas for this fic, rewriting conversations and witty comebacks. You should be a director next time. Love you, 姐.

Yours sincerely,


9:52AM, 10/02/2017.

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