vi. i feel so far away (you always come my way): 🥕14🥕

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A/N: so yeah here it is. the very very last section of Tongue-Tied emotional as hell right now. i know the cliffhanger was killing all of you so here you all go, enjoy. get ready for tooth rotting fluff kkaebjang


vi. i feel so far away (you always come my way)

Taehyung cards a hand through his blond hair, scrolling through the photos in his Recently Deleted folder on his phone. Each moment, relived countless times, are like a bruise on his heart. It throbbed painfully before. Overtime, it has receded to a dull ache, yet it's there in the background nonetheless.

Almost every picture that has Taehyung in it contains a trace of Jimin too, ebony bangs sweeping flawlessly into twinkling eyes, plump lips parted in a charming smile. A nostalgic feeling washes over Taehyung, and he exhales loudly, trying to loosen the knot in his chest. His heart hurts, wrenched tightly in the grasp of Taehyung's own twisted labyrinth of emotions.

No more indulging in guilty pleasures.

Selecting all of the content in the folder, he taps the "Delete" button. But when the "Delete Forever" option pops up, he finds himself hesitating. His finger hovers over the screen, unable to make the choice that will strike Jimin off his heart forever.

Taehyung can still recall Jimin's moist, soft lips moulding into his, as if they're meant for him alone. He can recall how their breaths had mingled together, how hot Jimin's body felt pressed against his—

A sharp rap on the door startles Taehyung, causing him to stuff his phone hastily under his pillow. Presently, he wearily greets his unexpected visitors standing in the doorway.

"Yoongi-hyung, Seokjin-hyung! What's rolling—" But then Taehyung gives a yelp as Seokjin nearly pushes him off the bed.

"You're rolling," the pink haired man declares. "Out of that bed and out the door."

"Yah, you better get your lazy fucking ass out of this moth hole," Yoongi jerks his head towards the window. "Before I start growing myself a beard."

Taehyung is confused by Yoongi's sudden change of attitude (the fact that Yoongi's even awake at this time is a historical and rare occurrence, only happening once every few years), face washed with bewilderment.

"Go where?"

Yoongi clicks his tongue in annoyance. "To blow bubbles, and frolic in the sunshine, dumb fuck."

Taehyung's jaw hangs slack, mind-boggled by this strange version of his usually grumpy hyung (since when does Min Yoongi do sappy stuff like frolicking and chasing butterflies?). He's just running through the possibilities (maybe the real Yoongi has been kidnapped by aliens, or he's possessed) when Seokjin and Yoongi disappear around the corner.

"Hurry up. I can feel that beard growing."

"Come on Tae, before the weather decides to screw itself."

The blank expression on Taehyung's face disappears, replaced by child-like euphoria. Pushing his gloomy thoughts into a distant corner, he practically rolls out of bed, running to catch up with his seniors. With a bounce in his step, he whistles along to an anonymous tune, braving a smile and trying not to think about a certain boy with the most angelic smile.


"For the love of Christ, hyung, stop fidgeting!" Jeongguk complains, his head emerging from behind a sheet of drawing paper, sketching pencil in hand. "I can't get the angle right."

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