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Chapter Note: When I was penning this scene, I was listening to Ronan Keating's When You Say Nothing At All, one of my favorite songs ever since I was a child and also dubbed as one of the Most Romantic Songs Of Time. It's in the media; give it a listen as you read to set the atmosphere, also I feel it really suits the current situation. Truly beautiful song.


Although uttered quietly, every single syllable imprints a mark upon Jimin's soul. Each word is like hot chocolate, leaving a warm and fuzzy feeling in Jimin's chest, spreading steadily throughout his tired body. A blush automatically creeps onto his face.

Instantly realizing what he'd blurted out, the tips of Taehyung's ears turn red, pupils dilating as he waves a hand weakly.

"I-In my opinion, of course," he adds hurriedly, shyness suddenly catching up with him as he looks obliquely at anywhere besides Jimin's face.

"Stop exaggerating, Tae," Jimin murmurs, twiddling his thumbs self-consciously. The heat in his cheeks grows.

"But I'm serious," Taehyung insists soundly, "You just burn with so much passion. So bright that you outshine everyone else."

"Is this you trying to be poetic or romantic?" Jimin cocks his head to one side, contemplating Taehyung and he look so incredibly cute, Taehyung can't help but die a little bit inside. "Because that was dreadful."

"What I'm trying to say, Park Jimin, is that you're amazing," Taehyung answers honestly, "Those bastards in your class don't even have a fraction of your enthusiasm. And I admire that."

Jimin blushes cutely at his words, too shy to meet Taehyung's eyes.

"Not exactly... But you really think so?" Jimin questions timidly, observing the boy next to him. Taehyung's brilliant hair is phosphorescent against the dark backdrop of the night, like a flaming fire. Jimin swallows down the lump in his throat, beholding the ethereal being before him.

"That's what everyone thinks," Taehyung breaths. "It's just that you refuse to see it."

Jimin's cheeks glow with a tinge of pink, his eyes darting to meet Taehyung's briefly.

"Jesus, it's not a big deal, you know," Jimin supplies bashfully. "It's just that I love what I do. I want to dance for the rest of my life, until my limbs give way. I'll go on this path, even if I live for just a day."

Taehyung ponders Jimin's words, deep in thought. Their breaths rise as visible puffs to join the darkened, clouded night sky, devoid of any heavenly bodies they can wish upon.

"But what if you can't?" Taehyung murmurs, gaze skywards. "To be able to do what you love."

When Taehyung sighed, it sounded resigned and helpless, defeated even. A pang of melancholy had manifested itself within Taehyung's core, Jimin discerning the boy's dejection right away.

"Everyone has the freedom of choice, Carrot."

Taehyung gives a hollow laugh.

"Not when money gets involved," he remarks bitterly. "Everyone always goes for the cold, hard cash, not passion."

"What makes you think that?" Jimin probes cautiously, troubled by Taehyung's rueful grin. It's ugly, knowing that it doesn't belong on Taehyung's features, as if someone had forcefully plastered it onto his face.

"Most people think that only by becoming a doctor can you make the big bucks," the upset boy discloses flatly. "Including my parents, unfortunately."

Taehyung's hazel eyes scan the starless night, searching for a faint flicker of light, something that his belief can grasp onto. Seeing that despondent look beyond those hazel windows make Jimin's heart twist painfully in his chest.

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