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A/N: shoot im actually so emotional now last chapter with the epilogue oh shoot i need to stop fangirling


"Sorry, Taehyung." Jimin rakes a hand through his light hair. "Me and my freaking butter fingers."

"It's cool, don't sweat 'bout it." Taehyung waves away Jimin's apology, examining his soaked shirt. "It's just soap. It'll wash off, no prob'."

The moment Taehyung and Jimin enter the room, Joshua, engrossed in a show, sits up from his lounging position.

"Oh." Shutting his laptop abruptly, Joshua rolls out of bed and tucks it swiftly under his arm. Then with an almost undetectable wink at Taehyung, he dials a number on his phone before bringing the door behind him.

"Jisoo, what about that Descendants of the Sun marathon?"

As Joshua's voice fades away, Jimin's forehead puckers in a frown. "When did he started getting cosy with Kim Jisoo?"

Taehyung shrugs before opening his closet. "Make yourself comfortable. Don't be shy," he says over his shoulder, searching for a clean shirt. Jimin flops down onto Taehyung's bed, lying spread-eagled across the sheets.

"Ah, okay." He props his head up with a pillow, following Taehyung's progress around the room with his eyes. "I'll just wait here then."

Stopping before the body length mirror, Taehyung proceeds to remove his stained shirt, slowly revealing the bare skin underneath. Jimin's eyes widen, his mouth abruptly going dry, cheeks heating pink. Glued to the sight before him, Jimin takes in every single detail of the boy's upper torso, thinking he should go to hell for witnessing such a sinful sight. Taehyung's stomach is flat, the skin smooth and pale and surprisingly soft-looking, with a hint of a happy trail leading down into the hem of his pants that makes Jimin's mouth water and his hands tingle with the urge to reach out and touch, just to see if it really is as perfect as it looks.

Standing in front of the mirror shirtless, Taehyung rakes a hand through his blond strands, his sigh a deep rumble that makes Jimin's stomach swoop. Catching Jimin staring mutely at him in him through the mirror's reflection, his thin lips curl into a gloating smirk.

"This feels very familiar."

Jimin burns bright scarlet, immediately dropping his gaze. Embarrassment mixed into the complicated cocktail of emotions within him, the flushed-faced boy mumbles lamely, prompting a chortle from Taehyung.

Flipping his body, Jimin buries his scalding face into the pillow, refusing to emerge. Slipping a woolly jumper over his head, Taehyung whacks Jimin's ass good-naturedly.

"Move over. Stop hogging the bed." The mattress dips beneath Taehyung's weight as he crawls over to Jimin, nudging his friend lightly. "Make space for me."

After some budging and fidgeting around, eventually both boys lay sprawled across the sheets, brushing shoulders as they gaze up at the ceiling. The close proximity makes their hearts thump uncomfortably in their chests, the warmth of the other boy next to them giving them goose bumps.

A few minutes pass before Taehyung breaks the silence.

"So... How's things?"

"Nothing much. You?"

"Fine, I guess. Pretty boring. Not going back for New Year. Tickets cause a bomb."

Jimin glances at Taehyung briefly, but Taehyung's expression remains unreadable. "Don't tell me you stayed back to study." Jimin pulls a face. "Please don't nerd out on me."

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