ii. the world's goin' crazy (what about you): 🥕4🥕

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A/N: Expect cameos from other groups *cough* -seokmins see if you can recognize anyone and yeah this time dedication is to you fam

*EDIT* Of course I had to rededicate this to your new account fam


ii. the world's goin' crazy (what about you)

Pushing open the door to the common room, Jimin and Jeongguk are immediately greeted by a heated sight. Two figures in the midst of snogging each other senseless, a tangle of arms and legs on the couch, lips interlocked in a passionate kiss and emitting obscenely and annoyingly loud moans. Jeongguk's pupils dilate, goggling at the pair of shameless boys, swallowing uneasily as entirely inappropriate noises escape them.

Jimin sighs loudly, rolling his eyes so hard that they nearly roll into his head. Reassuring the younger boy, he grabs the nearest cushion and socks the oblivious couple, a look of pure disgust on his face.

"Get a fucking room, motherfuckers!" Jimin demands, "Keep your mushiness to yourselves!"

Upon being thumped on the head, the gangly boy gives a shriek before toppling off his partner onto the floor. Hissing in pain, he cards a hand through his crimson hair, giving his junior the evil eye.

"Yah!" He grumbles, "Is that any way to treat your seniors?"

"Then act like bloody seniors and stop traumatizing freshies!"

"Omo, is that the Jeon Jeongguk, your childhood friend?" Baekhyun gasps, bringing a hand to his mouth in an entirely unconvincing imitation of a shocked conservative aunt. "Sorry!"

"Five minutes!" Chanyeol holds up a palm imperatively before moving to straddle Baekhyun again, reconnecting their lips in an audibly wet and messy kiss. Jimin smacks his forehead in disbelief.

Luckily, Namjoon arrives just in time to pry the clingy boys apart (no PDA in public spaces! he yells for approximately the 55th time this year), much to Baekhyun's disappointment.

"No fair!" Baekhyun whines, pointing an accusing finger at Namjoon. "You and Jackson make out all the time on this couch! Hypocrite!"

"No, we don't." Namjoon denies flatly, although his red ears signify otherwise. "It's all him. I'm not nearly as desperate as Jackson Wang. I happen to still have some measure of self-control in public spaces." It feels all too like the comment is being aimed at a person not currently in the room, despite said person's inability to hear conversations from a floor above.

Jimin snorts loudly at Namjoon's claims. Jeongguk hides behind his hyung, looking completely scandalized.

People start trickling in, mingling and catching up after the long summer break. In a corner of the room, other fellow Koreans began to congregate, chatting to each other in a whirlwind of Korean. Jimin's watching Jeongguk explain to Jeonghan about his weird scarf (what is up with that kid and his Ironman fetish) when Seungcheol elbows him.

"Check out that dude's hair," He nudges Jimin lightly, nodding towards the doorway. "Completely wicked."

Glancing briefly in the general direction Seungcheol indicated, Jimin can feel the grin sliding off his face as he catches sight of a painfully familiar boy with flaming hair. Jimin's vision narrows down to just that face, sirens blaring shrilly inside his head, his conscious brain shrieking at him to run but all he can is gape.

When a coherent thought finally manages to take shape in his startled brain (maybe there's still time to play dead?), the other boy's wandering gaze finds his. Jimin jerks his gaze away as if he's been electrocuted, dread pooling heavy in his gut.

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