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"Enlighten me as to why we're climbing a fucking tree," Jimin huffs up at Taehyung, hands on his hips. "I don't want to fall and die." 

"Because trees are awesome," A box-shaped grin beams back at him in the dark, teeth glinting in the light like a distorted Cheshire Cat. "And I'll catch you if you fall, babe." Jimin pulls a mock face of revulsion and Taehyung shrugs sheepishly, extending a beckoning hand towards him.

Contemplating Taehyung's outstretched palm, Jimin finally relents. He grasps Taehyung's hand gingerly, a tingling sensation going through his fingers as he's tugged upwards, heart leaping in his chest. Scrambling up the seasoned bark of the tree trunk with the help of Taehyung's grip, Jimin lands next to the beaming boy, giddy with a dash of exhilaration that invigorates his lethargic senses. Taehyung moves swiftly, settling into a comfortable position before patting the spot next to him.

"Scoot over here, Abs." He gestures over to Jimin. Jimin shifts carefully along the bough, tracing the bumpy grooves of the gnarled bark under his palms.

"[Neat, huh?]" Taehyung grins broadly as Jimin joins him, "I found this place on my first week, when I was chasing a squirrel," Jimin directs a judgemental look at Taehyung, to which he disregards. "Not exactly world class scenery but it's my favorite thinking spot."

They're elevated a small distance above the ground, above a patch of wilted grass, once lush and green in the summer. Pulling his hoodie tighter around him, Jimin's breath escapes in a great whoosh. A fine mist swirls in the air, dissipating rapidly in the autumn chill.

"The view would be nice if everything wasn't dead," Jimin squints at the dark silhouettes far off, recognizing the various buildings shrouded in shadow. Taehyung rummages through the bags, producing a container of fried chicken.

"You look as alive as Yoongi-hyung at the gym," He thrusts the poultry into Jimin's hands, "Please rejuvenate thyself."

Jimin's resolve crumbles to dust, the boy gobbling down chicken like he's just experienced a famine.

"Just how long have you not had a proper meal, Abs?"

"['Dunno.]" Jimin's words were muffled by a mouthful of succulent chicken, "Lost track." Glimpsing at the disapproving look on Taehyung's face, he stuffs his mouth full, conveniently avoiding Taehyung's 's eye. The next few minutes pass by in silence, aside from the sounds of Jimin's chewing.

"Don't choke," Taehyung tosses a can of Dr Pepper to Jimin, "It's a sad way to go." The redhead snaps open his soda, taking a large swig, smacking his lips in satisfaction. Jimin clutches the can with both hands, sipping the frothy liquid slowly, savouring the fizzy taste that burns down his throat. A twinge of energy seeps back into his bones, the spike of sugar raising his energy level slightly.

With their feet dangling off the branch, Taehyung swings his legs thoughtfully, his eyes straying to Jimin's glum face. He taps a finger against the side of his can to an imaginary tune, mulling over a half-formed notion.

"Hey, Chim Chim," Taehyung suddenly says. "Check this out!"

Pinching his nose, he tips the rest of his soda into his mouth, guzzling down the rest of the Dr Pepper in one draught. Jimin goggles at him, mouth ajar. The moment Taehyung drains it to the last drop, a shudder goes through his body, the fizziness going up his nose making him gasp. Tears springing to his eyes, he grimaces at the gas bubbles in his stomach, covering his mouth too late as a large belch rings out into the night.

"...Sorry." Scorching heat rises up Taehyung's neck to his face, the boy turning a shade befitting his hair. Shit, that wasn't supposed to happen. All he wants to do is cheer Jimin up, not make himself look like a total lunatic. Now he's blew it, throwing his God-given opportunity right in Fate's face.

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