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Forcing his stiff body to move, he shuffles robotically to the lift, keeping his eyes downcast as he passes the other boy, pressing the down button stoically. Trying to appear as inconspicuous as possible, Jimin keeps his head bowed, hiding his facial expression.

Hearing the soft footfalls, the fire-haired boy turns towards the source of the sound, his eyes widening in sheer astonishment at the sight before him. He blinks, nearly pinching himself to check whether he's hallucinating, attempting to work out if this is all just a figment of his imagination or the real deal.

The boy that had brushed shoulders with him for some reason has not a single piece of clothing on, save for a towel covering any indecent exposure down below, barely keeping him at a PG-13 rating. Ebony bangs, damp and dripping, sweep into large eyes. Flawless, sun-kissed skin gleams with moisture, flushed from the cold. A delicate pink dusts the dark-haired boy's full cheeks, giving the stranger the urge to poke them.

However, what makes the redhead's breath hitch is that glorious set of abs, peeking out above his towel, firm and defined in all its glory. He wets his chapped lips, swallowing to moisten his parched throat as he eyes the shorter boy's impressive biceps.

Either his wild imagination is having a field day, conjuring up illusions of baby-faced hotties, or his midnight fantasies have decided to stroll right out of his head and step into reality. Anyhow, he's struck the eye candy lottery.

Meanwhile, Jimin can uncomfortably discern the stranger's gaze, venturing to sneak a peek at the boy next to him. Carrot Top (his hair is just that distinctive so why not) is looking at him shamelessly, his eyes wandering suggestively over his torso, obviously enjoying the view. Thin lips quirking upwards in a small smirk, he tilts his head to get a better angle, much to Jimin's mortification, which in turn morphs into annoyance.

"Yah," Jimin's voice rings out a bit too loudly through the stagnant air. "The hell are you looking at? You got a fucking problem?"

Even though the words are crude, the voice that utters this is somehow melodious to the redhead's ears. And those plump lips, how they move to form each syllable—woah.

The stranger chuckles gently at Jimin's reaction, a low rumble that sends shivers down Jimin's spine. When he speaks, Jimin doesn't expect to hear a husky voice, deep in register, flowing smoothly like honey.

"Ne, I do have a problem," Carrot Top replies, his smirk becoming broader. "You're a distraction, so I can't stop looking at you."

Taken by surprise, Jimin's mind goes blank as if someone had taken an eraser and rubbed away all the witty comebacks he's ever known. Left speechless, he squirms on the spot, a blush creeping onto his face.

When the hell is this freaking lift coming!?

As soon as the thought crosses his mind, the lift finally arrives with a "ding." The flashing arrow pointing downwards never before looking so inviting. Jimin practically leaps into the lift, eager to escape the painful situation and the strange boy who gives him the creeps. He's just punched the button to the ground floor when—

"Oh, you're going down to the reception, too? AWESOME! Let's ride together~"

To Jimin's horror, Carrot Top bounces into the lift excitedly, the doors clanging shut, confining Jimin with this pervert. As the lift drops downwards, so does Jimin's stomach into the pit of despair. He's all alone with a shifty (and Jimin begrudgingly admits, rather handsome) stranger, stark-naked and vulnerable as a sheep with its fleece shaved off. It was a recipe for disaster.

One hand clutching the front of his towel protectively, he shrinks into the corner of the box, his cheeks turning pinker with every passing second yet his palms are breaking out in cold sweat as he fists his towel tensely.

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