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Jimin's giving Jeongguk a tour of the campus when someone suddenly slaps his behind, making him yelp. Jumping back a few feet, he jabs a finger at the culprit, eyes glinting threateningly.

"What the hell!?" Jimin flares, his other hand moving protectively to his butt.

Taehyung looks him once over, appraising his appearance. With a snapback concealing his bedhead, Jimin sports an unsurprising black tee along with pants that clings to his figure, denim jacket slung casually over his shoulder.

"Did you sit in candy, Abs?" Taehyung wolf-whistles, "Because that's one sweet ass!"

Jimin nearly cringes into the next century. Jeongguk throws back his head and roars with laughter, reveling at how fast it takes for his hyung's face to turn red.

"Y-You-" Jimin stammers, "Go and use your lame one-liners on someone other poor soul, stop bothering me."

"But I'm lost~" Taehyung wails, jutting out his bottom lip. "I'm new and I'm scared! Come on," The persistent boy latches onto Jimin's arm, begging profusely. "Pleaseee Abs, show me around!"

On instinct, Jimin flinches at Taehyung's touch, breaking away from his hold.

"No way, I don't need to deal with another-" He turns to indicate Jeongguk, only to realize that the freshman has vanished.

"Have fun on your playdate, Jimin-hyung!" The curly haired boy hollers in the distance. "Be good, Chim Chim and be home before midnight!" With one last shout laced with cheekiness, he bolts after what appears to be Hoseok, disappearing out of sight, scarf flapping behind him in the breeze.

Jimin has half the mind to choke that little ungrateful brat with that retarded scarf of his.

Even before Taehyung can react, Jimin's already walking briskly, weaving his way through the mass of people going about their day. The light haired boy chases after him, jogging to keep up with his pace.

"Aw, come on, Abs," Taehyung says, "Lighten up a tad!" He grabs Jimin's wrist in the middle of the square and implores. "Show your fellow mate the ropes, won't you?"

Jimin's anger spills over, the blazing fire inside him escalating into an inferno. He swats away Taehyung's hand, aiming all of his displeasure at the insolent, carrot haired fool before him.

"Will you just leave me alone?" He growls, emphasizing each syllable painfully slowly. "Look here, Carrot Top! I don't even know you, yet you keep making it as if we're all chummy! Well, we're not!"

Chest heaving in aggravation, Jimin observes Taehyung's face for any sign of discomfort or negative emotion. But instead of looking hurt, Taehyung seems to be deep in thought, arms folded over his chest as his wind works furiously. After about a minute, he snaps his fingers, as if he's just come to a conclusion.

"You're right, Abs." He nods earnestly before muttering to himself. "Why didn't I see this before?"

Exhaling in relief, Jimin relaxes. Finally, something went through that impenetrable brain of his.

"Okay then, I'll just-"

"Go out with me."

Jimin does a double take at those words, his mind drawing a blank.

"[Excuse me!?]" The dark haired boy's eyes widen to twice their size in disbelief, not trusting his own ears.

"You said that we need to know each other better, right?" Taehyung says, taking a step forward. "So what not better than this?"

Jimin starts to back away cautiously, unsure of himself. He's just about to make a run for it when he becomes conscious of the swarm of people that had gathered. Onlookers surround the pair of boys, enclosing them in a small circle, trapping Jimin and leaving no escape route, like a gazelle cornered by a lion. Everything has just backfired, exploding royally in his face.

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