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A/N: i felt guilty leaving you all on a cliffhanger like that so yeah here you all go

but i hope you all make it out alive after this part i died like 5729875 times writing this the feelz

welcome to the climax of the entire fic, enjoy ;)


"Of course you don't! Because you're blind as fuck! You don't even realize what I feel for you!"

The last sentence makes Jimin go numb, his brain going into overdrive, systems failing and his thought processor completely crashing. When his eyes sought out Taehyung's, he's stunned by the moisture brimming in those hazel eyes. Focusing all of his anguish into his words, Taehyung yells at Jimin, betrayal and pain evident in his voice.

"Do you not know how much I..." Taehyung chokes, tears blurring his vision. "...think about you? It hurts me so much that I could die!"

Jimin's pupils dilate, his mouth slightly ajar, mind freezing up and going blank. Detached from his body, which has gone rigid with shock, Jimin's only aware of the violent pounding of his heart and the ringing silence around them.

Breathing heavily, Taehyung catches his breath. Angry tears roll freely down his face, dripping onto the floor. Trembling uncontrollably, he lowers his head stiffly, staring down at his shaking hands.

"Park Jimin..." he croaks, "...why are you doing this to me?"

Head bowed, Jimin's fringe hangs in his hooded eyes, concealing the expression on his face. Lips pursed tightly into a harsh line, something peculiar stirs inside of Jimin, struggling to free itself from the bonds of his heart.

"Jimin, I—"

On the spur of the moment, Jimin's body responds all on its own, as if he's no longer in control of it. Plunging forwards into the unknown, Jimin's mouth crashes into Taehyung's in a messy kiss, lips colliding roughly. Taehyung's paralyzed, eyes nearly popping out of his sockets. His breath hitches as soon as they make contact, nearly knocking all the wind from his lungs.

Exhilarant tremors travel down their spines, their minds overloading with a gushing stream of sensational information, and Taehyung's brain goes blissfully blank. The world spins. Jimin feels like he's in the vortex of a whirlpool, swept along ever faster, dizzy with confusion and burning desire with Taehyung's chapped lips pressed against his. He's drowning, breathless from the amazing rush.

Suddenly, Taehyung shoves Jimin hard, as if he's been burned, breaking the contact between them heartlessly. Staggering back before falling onto the freezing floor, Jimin lands on his behind, temporarily disorientated. His bite-swollen lips are already growing cold, being forced away from Taehyung's warm ones, and hurt pools in his eyes. A bolt of pain shoots through him, physically and mentally, leaving his heart aching.

Taehyung's shaking his head, sniffing loudly. A hand obscures the expression on his face, his breath coming out in harsh pants.

"Get. Out," he spits bitterly, emphasizing each jagged word painfully slowly. His emotions are unstable, teetering on the edge of his sanity.

"GET OUT!" Stabbing a finger at the door, Taehyung roars, his holler vibrating in Jimin's ears like a clap of thunder.

Scrambling to his feet, Jimin's out of the door, down the hall and into his room in record time. Leaning against the door, he sinks to the stone cold floor, burying his face in his hands. Tears prickle at his eyelids, his heart raw and bleeding from Taehyung's merciless outburst. All he knows is the gash in his soul, the unbearable pain that blasts him into smithereens, breaking him.

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