Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

The bell rang loudly letting me escape from this hell hole of an English class. After the boy whispered to me I scurried my way to the back of the classroom and took the empty desk beside the boys. Mr. Frank hadn't said another word to me and I wasn't planning on sticking around to have a great little chat with him. The entire period went by slowly, my eyes only fixated on the clock that was stationed at the front of the room. Its constantly ticking slowly as I watched the minutes drip away like ice on a hot day.

The hallways were not much better; they crammed with people whom cared for no one besides themselves. The flow of people was unceasing so crossing a hallway was nearly impossible without bumping into a few people. Yet I could have cared less because I had only one place I wanted to go in mind.

I forced my way through a large herd of people. I could feel the stares as they bored into my back. Their soft snickers were unfazed in the echoing noise of the hallway as they grumbled to each other about the new girl. No matter how many people stared at me I knew that there was nothing I could do to stop them. Even if I tried that would just spark an entirely new set of rumors which I did not need within the first few days of my schooling here.

Pulling open my lock I began to grab my notebooks, folders, and books I knew I would need to complete the tasks the teachers had given me to work on. Most of them were easy, get syllabuses signed for this class or fill out this sheet telling me about you for another but some had set forth real work on the first day of the school year.

 Breaking from my locker I began a hurried walk towards the office. The nice receptionist had told me to check in at the end of the day to see if I had any issues with schedule and I knew that would not stand another day in that English class. I pulled open the heavy wooden door and was instantly greeted by the smell of flowers.

The receptionist, Miss Able, was sitting at her desk with her eyes focused firmly on her computer screen. She was middle aged and her brown hair was pulled into a high bun. When the door shut behind me she looked up. I had met her this morning and she informed me if I needed anything just come in and tell her.

"Oh Genevieve," She smiled, "how was your first day?"

I shrugged my shoulders and walked over to her. I could hear the principal in the other room yelling loudly at someone. The office was silent besides that, the heavy wooden door and thick walls muted the constant drone of noise from the hallway.

"Well, Principal Taylor is with another student right now but he should be finishing up soon, so if you could just take a seat over there and he'll call you in when he is ready."

I nodded and did as I was told, plopping my body down in a blue school chair. The plastic was unwelcoming and cold but I still melted into it. My entire body was worn down, mentally and physically. I wanted nothing more than to go home and sleep for the rest of the year. Sliding my backpack off of my shoulder I set it beside my chair and unzipped the main pocket.

"Harry Styles how many times do I have to I have to tell you this same lecture before you listen to me!" The principal's voice echoed out of the office.

Glancing up I could see straight into the office. The boy that had defended me in my last class was now sitting in a chair getting yelled at by the principal, whom looked as weary as they come.

The boy's pale face was consumed by a look of sheer boredom and his hands tapped on rhythmically on the arm rests of the chair. He was lounging in the chair. His back slid half way down and legs out far in front of him. He had pulled off his leather jacket and was now in only his white crew neck shirt. I could see clearly the seemingly random tattoos that ran up and down both of his arms. They were all a deep black in stark contrast with his pale skin.

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