Chapter Six

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*please read the Authors Note for a new story that is COMING SOON*

Chapter Six

"How was your day honey?" My mother called as I stormed into the house.

Anger was still rampant, making my entire body ache with fury. I slammed the front door shut making the entire entry way shake. My mother turned to face me with a shocked expression. She stood in the kitchen, a towel thrown over her shoulder and a bag of frozen peas in her hand.

My mother and I were identical in looks, long brown hair, same round face and same body shape. The only difference between us was our eyes. She had pale green eyes and I had the stark contrast of my father's eyes, dark brown. That was the only thing that proved there was someone else who created me, I wasn't just a clone of my mother.

"What happened?" My mother asked as her shoulders sagged in disappointment.

I slid my backpack off my shoulder and kicked my shoes into the corner and looked at my mother with a desperately angry face.

"I'm dropping out of school." I signed walking past her.

I wanted nothing more than to go up to my room and lock myself away with music in my ears but my mother was never one to let me go without an explanation.

"Stop," she barked her voice echoing off the walls of the open concept of the living room, kitchen area.

I slowly turned around to face her, my mouth pursed in a displeased manner. I crossed my arms before my chest and shifted my weight to my left foot, waiting impatiently for her continuation.

"What's going on?" She pleaded with me her voice overcome with concern.

I shook my head and glanced upward clearly showing her I wasn't in the mood to have a conversation about this particular situation right now.

I uncrossed my arms and signed to her quickly, "just starting at a new school mom. Don't worry about it."

The moment my hands finished the final word I was gone, escaping upstairs to my bedroom. My mother's voice echoed once more off the walls but her words were incomprehensible to my unwilling ears. I quickly entered my bedroom and pulled the door closed behind me.

This was still a foreign place to me. The walls were not as worn and welcoming as my old room had been. My old room was the first place I called home. The day after I was born I was placed in a crib surrounded by those four walls. The day after my accident I was brought home and placed in the same bed. Every day from then on that is where I slept. Every day that was where I played and did homework.   That place was my safe spot, where no one ever needed to speak. I wasn't judged or ridiculed by anyone because no one was ever allowed in. It was a place for me to escape to when life became too much to handle.

Now I was stuck here, in this odd, misshapen place where I had no memories, where I had no safety. Yes, it had all the stuff from my old room but it didn't fit correctly here. Nothing had a permanent residence yet so it just seemed out of place, including me. Everything just felt wrong.

Collapsing onto my bed I buried my face into my pillows. Luckily they still smelled like home. They had yet to retain the new and unfamiliar smell of this house. Taking a deep breath in, I rolled to my back and stared up at the white ceiling. Without removing my eyes from the ceiling I reached over and grabbed the small remote off my nightstand. Aiming it at the opposing wall I pressed the play button allowing music to spill out of the large stereo system that was station there.

We clawed. We chained our hearts in vain. We jumped never asking why. We kissed I fell under your spell no one could deny.

Wrecking ball was one of my newly favorite songs, the lyrics were phenomenal but the music video was frightening.

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