Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

My hands slide over my hair pushing my bangs back as I walked through the dreaded lunch room. I didn’t know if Lindsey’s offer for a seat at lunch was honest or just a ploy to make me look even more disconnected from the rest of the student body than I ready was.

 As I meandered my way through the madness I could feel all the eyes on me. I had found a seemingly edible salad in the refrigerator and I was now aimlessly wandering through the tables. As I passed by tables the conversation would stop and their attention would shift to me.

“VIVE!” a loud voice called towards me making my head and the heads of those around me turn towards its origin.

Lindsey stood in the middle of the lunch room with her hands on her hips and a simple smile spread across her face. The people who regularly slammed into me were making sure they didn’t come anywhere near her. They gave her the perfect pathway to reach me.

“There you are,” she giggled as she neared me, “I was hoping you didn’t get swallowed up in this madness.”

Smiling softly I followed her as she turned her back to me and pranced towards the other side of the lunchroom. I could see the faces shift from disgust and confusion to shock. By the looks on their faces this was not a usual happening.

When we neared the popular table, every single person ceased talking and turned to face us. I recognized a few faces from my classes but none of them had given me the time of day.

“Guys this is Vive,” Lindsey giggled gesturing towards me, “she is sitting with us today.”

Lindsey slid herself into one of the two open chairs at the table then patted the one next to her. Precariously I set myself down into the chair and glanced around the table. No one spoke, just simply stared at me with annoyed eyes.

“So Vive,” Lindsey stated turning to face me. I could tell she was only speaking to me because of the awkward tension that was so thick at the tables, “what do you think of the school?”

I shrugged my shoulders and looked down at the plastic container that sat in front of me. I didn’t know if I really wanted to eat in front of them, for all I knew they would judge me even harsher after that. Even if these weren’t the typical people I hung out with I still wanted them to like me.

They could be my friends, if Harry was as bad as Lindsey was saying I needed them.


“It’s hard the first couple of days but I promise its gets easier,” Lindsey smiled at me, “plus you have all of us now.”

Returning her smile I glanced around the table. They all wore phony smiles but I had to accept them. I didn’t have a choice not too.

“So Brooke,” Lindsey started leaning across the table so she was closer to the brunette girl who sat opposing to her.  “what happened in trig this morning?”

Finally the tension was broken; the table began the mindless gabber that they were engaging in before my arrival. The attention was finally off of me and I was free to go at my salad. Pulling open the plastic cover I set it aside and pulled off the package of utensils that was tapped to the lid.

“Look whose staring.” A deep voice echoed throughout the table. His arms crossed before his chest and he leaned back in his chair. The boy had shaggy blond hair and bright blue eyes. On the hotness scale he was at the top. And it was clear he knew it.  “That kid needs to mind his own business.”

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