Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

I walked slowly out of my seventh hour class. It was dreadfully long and agonizing. I had the burning questions about Harry eating away at my mind as the minutes ticked by. Nothing could pull my attention from that except the excruciatingly loud sound of the bell to release us. I walked aimlessly through the hallway not really wanting to venture towards my locker and go home. I wasn’t ready to face my mother again.

After her yelling fit at me last night I had avoided her this morning, sneaking out the door while she was busy on the phone. She would be home now waiting for me, waiting to have a deep heart to heart like we always did after one of us got angry.

But this time was different, I didn’t want to listen to her advice, she, like everyone else wanted me to avoid Harry and at this point in time I wasn’t exactly sure I could.

I flipped my long brown hair over my shoulder and walked towards my locker. The hallway was already beginning to thin, a few groups of students still chattered in the hallway but they headed towards the stairs to leave. I liked the school when it was empty; it gave me time to do what I needed to do without any interruption.

“All teachers please report to the auditorium for a meeting,” the loud voice echoed over the PA system.

Nearly instantly teachers began to trickle into the hallways chattering with each other. A few stopped and said goodbye to me and other completely ignored me.

 Soon there was nothing but silence in the empty hallways. Sliding my backpack off my shoulder I crouched down in front of my locker and began to shuffle through the piles of books. I racked my brain for the classes that I needed to finished homework in.

“Well look who it is Logan,” a deep voice spoke tauntingly in my direction.

I kept my back to the voice and continued to dig through my locker praying that the boy wasn’t talking about me even though I was the only one in the hallway.

“It’s pretty little Genevieve,” another equally deep and taunting voice responded.

I could feel my stomach drop and my face go white with fear. Slowly I slid my backpack and shut my locker. I wanted to disappear into the metal, get away from this situation with little to no harm done to myself but that wasn’t a possibility.

I felt a large hand place firmly on my shoulder. This boy was large; his presence behind me completely enveloped me. I could feel his friend, Logan, to my side making me completely invisible to anyone who would happen to pass by.

I swallowed hard and let the hand pull me around to face him. I instantly recognized his face. He was at the lunch table today and he had been the one to point out Harry. His blond shaggy hair fell into his blue eyes as he stared at me. Normally I found blue eyes comforting and welcoming but his, they seemed to be cold as ice, holding nothing but a vicious soul.

I kept my face down staring at the patterned tile floor.

“Hey Vive,” he leaned in close and whispered in my ear.

His breath was hot, his hand remained on my shoulder and his grip tightened. Logan stood beside me his arms crossed in front of his chest as he leaned against the locker.

I didn’t move a muscle, my entire body went cold. I needed to escape and this was going to be my only opportunity to do so. No one was going to come rescue me, the students had all gone home and the teachers were all in a meeting. I was alone to fend for myself.

Looking up slowly I make eye contact with the blond haired boy, whose name I had yet to learn. In one swift movement I jerked out from under his strong grasp and went to make my escape.

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