Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Walking out of my house I was met with my small red car in the driveway just as Harry had promised. Pulling open the cool metal door I encountered something unexpected. Lying on the driver’s seat was a small note. Picking it up, I read it slowly.

Have a great day at school Genevieve.


Harry’s hand writing was messy but legible; it was typical guy hand writing. Tucking the note into my jean pocket I slid into the car and turned on the ignition. The lingering smell of Harry floated through the air as I adjusted my seat back to my preferences.

Putting the car in reverse I began my journey to the high school. The morning had gone as usual, my mother greeting me with a smile and a warm cup of coffee; it was as if the previous day’s mishaps had never happened.

As I drove my way to school I let my mind slip back to the night before with Harry, compared to rough and tough image Harry put off at school this was a polar opposite. He was loving, caring, gentle, and kind, everything a father figured needed to be. Even if he was only their big brother he had taken the role upon himself to be the male role model to his younger siblings, especially Toby.

It struck me with great awe the way that little boy looked at Harry. His eyes lit up the moment he saw him walk through the door and they never ceased to be filled with love, compassion and a longing for more interaction with Harry. To Toby, Harry was a hero.

Parking my car I meandered my way through the cold windy air and into the school. It was going to be a rough day without Harry but I knew I had to manage. I couldn’t be completely dependent on him. I had done it before and I could do it again. Walking into my first hour class the wind took hold of my loose hair and brushed it back.

It was the first time I wore my hair down since I started school here and it seemed that people were taking notice. Their eyes turned in my direction as I passed them with consistently. At this moment I could care less.

I slid silently into my desk in the back trying to mind my own business but I could feel the stares burning into me. Lindsey was in this hour and after the one and only lunch I spent at her table she had turn completely against me. I was no longer her best friend that she needed to look out for I was the enemy that betrayed her and was interacting with the one person on the planet she believed no one should interact with.

“Alright class,” the teacher announced standing up in front of the class.

Miss Green was a small woman, a fresh out of college kind of teacher, always happy and willing to try new things for the sake of the class.

Pulling out my binder I set to work copying down the information already written on the blackboard.

“Hi,” a weak voice cooed grabbing everyone’s attention.

Standing in front of the class was Toby, his pale green eyes were big with fear and his arms full with a large bouquet of roses. Miss Green moved out from behind her podium and squatted down before Toby.

“What can I help you with honey?” she asked her voice softer and more gentle than the one she used to talk to us.

Toby swallowed hard and straitened his back so he was standing tall, “I need to give these,” he raised the large bouquet of roses up a tiny bit, “to Genevieve.”

All eyes turned towards me when he stammered out my name in the best way he could. The moment Toby turned to face the class he spotted me.

“GENEVIEVE!” he called excitedly and his tiny legs raced to the back of the class room.

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