.- F O U R -.

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I am rudely awakened from my forced slumber to see the girl who caught me, hoisting me onto a gurney, and shoving herself through clouds of nurses and doctors. All while she is yelling orders.

"Page Shepherd, Torres, and Hunt 911!" She barked.

I notice her dirty blond hair was stained with my crimson blood, as I try to take in the situation around me. I see words Trauma 1 plastered onto the wall flash by me. I notice her white coat carefully stitched with the name Meredith Grey M.D. , along with another spatter of my blood. Her eyes position on me as she notices my eyelids have pryed themselves apart after cutting into part of my shirt to put sticky heart monitors on my chest.

She speaks. "I'm Doctor Grey, and you are at the hospital. You are going to be fine. You saved that girl's life over there, and I am going to try my hardest to save you."

My arm feels a pinch, and then I hear the rattle of an IV drip probably laced with a cocktail of pain meds and a blood bag being hung. She turns her head, and yells outside the cracked door, "Where the hell is neuro and ortho?!"

I look down to see blood pooling under my leg. "Heyyy. Myy leg," I crackle out, as the world flips 90 degrees. I feel a latex glove plug the bullet sized hole in my leg.

"We need a lot more O neg!" She barks to another pair of scrubs. And that is all I heard before the world spun into darkness. Again.

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