.- T H R E E -.

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I pry my eyes open to see a flame at the front of the bus. I have no time to be hurt or frozen. I assess the situation. I look around, and I see Ava, lying on the ground in a pool of blood coming from her chest. I lift my arm up to feel what I think is glass or metal sticking out of my head, covered in congealed, clotted blood. I look down at my leg. Gunshot. I hope my leg still works. I need to get out of here.

I push my broken body up with all the strength I have. I claw my way to Ava, flames following me. I think back to health class and the old anatomy and biology textbooks I read. "Okay," I thought. "ABCs. Right." My artifact of a health teacher said to use that. Airway. Breathing. Circulation. Seems simple.

I tilted Ava's head back, but she wasn't breathing. I fish out a shard of glass blocking her airway. She had a weak pulse. I had to start CPR. But not now. There was fire a few feet away from me. I pry the emergency ceiling exit open. I grab Ava, being careful to support her head, and lifted her out of the bus and put her on the pavement. I see a street sign on the ground from the pole the bus hit. 42nd. Hmm. I lay her on that, and I start CPR. She gasps finally, and I sigh. I take off my belt, and strap her on to the street sign. I see a hospital about a block away. Screw my leg. I had to run, or Ava wouldn't live. I lift Ava up on my shoulder, and sprint to the hospital. The only thing keeping me alive was the possibility that Ava would be alive. I heard whimpers and cries from Ava. "Hey. You. Are. Going. To. Be. Okay," I pant, as I see the glimmer of the bright red words that spell emergency. Never before has that word been so encouraging.

I pushed though the glass doors to the ER, and I am met with stares and dropped jaws as I set Ava down on a gernie. I yell," I need a doctor over here! Came from a bus crash a block away. We were the only ones that lived. No time for an ambulance. She has a weak pulse and I did CPR and she has a gunshot on her chest. Name is Ava Ellis. 7 years old. As for me, Ella Jones, 15 years old, I hope you have a good brain guy, because I have glass or something in my head, and I am about to pass out." I am caught by someone in light blue scrubs before my world turns dark.

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