.- T H I R T Y -.

5.2K 79 11

I type rapidly on the laptop I got from school, sifting through my medical and legal cyclone of documents.

217,000 dollars.

That money doesn't sit around under a couch cushion.

I pace around the house.

I'm forced into a corner. Okay. Solve the problem. You can get through it.

The insurance company denied my coverage.

We have no money.

So I need to make something out of nothing. I plop onto the nearby couch and sulk.

I hear the creak of the door, letting a gust of icy air into the house.

"Hey," I hear as the front door is shut.

"Hey," I reply, turning to see the familiar fatherly smile take off his coat.

"I gotta head out later, but I'll be home for a bit."

He sits on the couch next to me.


He looks over at my face.

"Yeah, essay," I lie. I shut the laptop, and lean my head on his shoulder.

"I quit my job today. The fancy office doesn't suit me. Not used to being on my feet all day anymore, but I definitely do not miss the paperwork."

He runs his hand through my hair, tracing the almost healed scar.

"What did you do today?"


The chilling words rip through my head.

I tried everything. They won't budge. I can't pay the hospital. I can't pay for lights. I can't even pay for food.

... just a lot of random things. Bio quiz, english paper."

Little does he know that my world might rip apart: again.

37 days a f t e r

I step up an empty white stairwell, adorned with posters detailing the meeting times of new clubs and dates of events. I slide past a poorly taped one, and it floats off the painted cinder block (blue, for some sea animal mascot) onto the landing of the L-shaped staircase.

It catches my eye.

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5 grand could keep me running for a week. But the deadline is Wednesday. I need to become great in a short period. I have 4 days, but I come with a hell of a story, that no one knows.

41 days a f t e r

I spent the last day pulling strings.

"I need you to remove my extensions for three hours."

I went to the corner store, and bought only ground beef, corn syrup, and ketchup.

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