.- T W E N T Y N I N E -.

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36 days a f t e r

I shyly step into my first class of the day: AP Bio. My schedule is packed; I still intend to graduate this year, after losing a semester to a Seattle metro bus and a shooting.

That shooting also ruined my brain. See, brain damage is not like "bed rest and drugs and you will be okay" but more like "you're screwed." This is what happens if you arrest for 8 minutes on the table and live. So a "special education therapy" class is a must?

I shake my aptitude for destruction and biting off more than I can chew.

"This is our new student-- Ella Shepherd."

A man walks over and shakes my hand.

"You can sit by Ryan."

I look towards the back. I see an empty seat, all of the others taken. Right next to the guy the teacher is pointing to. Oh. Ryan is hot. Hope he likes mangled people.

His caramel hair is swept up, and he is wearing a gray hoodie. He doesn't try, but looks so good doing it.

"Hey," he says.

"Hey, so AP bio, fun," I respond.

I am a dork. A mangled dork.

41 days a f t e r

I have gotten used to the high life. Only five days and there is cool electronic microscopes in bio and I even get my own personal laptop for the lengthy essays I have to write. I also get to sit in a beanbag in this special ed class I have, where I literally get to nap to "rest my thinking gears" if I want. I usually just catch up with homework, or chill with Darren, a kid who is on the school bowling team despite down syndrome. He likes science. I showed him this video of rednecks throwing pure sodium metal into water (spoiler alert: it explodes) and he could not stop laughing.

Much better than the rusty lockers of my "ghetto" school.

I also have other friends, Rose, and my trusty man friend, Ryan. They have the same lunch as me.

"So why the transfer?"

"I am a foster. Usually get thrown around by parents, but here to stay."

"That is good," Ryan says.

"I am going to go print out an essay," Rose says. She had really opened up since when I first met her at the bus stop. She likes boy bands, and wants to die her hair purple. She skips away.

"Hey, I need to show you something. Just you, not Rose."

"What, Ryan?" I ask.

"Shut up. Just follow me."

I step up a back set of stairs quickly. Ryan pushes through a door labeled "ROOF ACCESS." He sits on a bench, and I can see the entire bay across Seattle. I turn to him.

"This is crazy," I say.

"So can I say something insane?"

I nod my head, and smile.

"I know it is rushed. But I want you to come to winter formal with me. I want you."

He pulls a white rose and two tickets out of his leather jacket.

The delicate clean petals are such a contrast to the city, a grime filled concrete jungle. I look up across the skyline, and back at him, with pure young love in my eyes.

. . .

Eileen is pacing throughout the halls of the ICU. She won't stop. I have "major brain surgery" and she is suddenly always on her feet.

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