.- T W E N T Y - F I V E -.

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"Kepner, present."

"Ella Jones, 15. Suffered brain damage as a complication from a splenectomy and upper GI bleed. Mechanical ventilation and other life support methods have been used since Tuesday. The guardian has been considering that after 2 months in a permanent vegitaive state that all supportive care will be ended."

"What is the chance she returns from the semicomatose state, Karev?"

"Um, Dr. Bailey, it is very unlikely. If she doesn't wake up by today or tomorrow, the brain damage will be too much for the body to handle, restricted to a markedly slow recovery even if supportive care was not ended. 10 to 20 years in the garden if she doesn't agree."

The group of interns and residents leave.

"What does he mean by garden?"

"Dude, she's a turnip. A turnip grows in a garden. Some hospice or whatever will pick her up."

"Cold, man."

. . .

Warm light pulls me from the darkness, and I slowly open my eyes to fuzzy objects around me. My throat is seared with pain. I try to take in air, but only muffled coughs appear beyond the ringing in my ears. Pain reaches every part of my body, not blocked by adrenaline or emotion.

The outlines of a face appear over me, inaudibly speaking. I gag and cough as hands mess with a plastic tube, removing it from my throat. I cough and hack, with shallow inhales of fresh air.

My breathing slows, and I feel pressure on my hand by another as now a crowd of doctors are around me. The ringing in my ears fade. Everything is still a blur.

"Hey, you are okay," a unfamiliar voice says.

"You are at the hospital. The surgery you had went well, but some complications put you on a ventilator for a few days. Can you tell me your name?"

I am distracted by loud footsteps running down the hall.

"She's awake? I heard and just told Derek! Oh my god, April!"

"Do you know what your name is?"

I cough and hack, and try to speak. Inaudible tones leave my mouth. I try again.

"Eeh shh --"

"Just try saying your name. Tr--"

A tear rolls down my face. I look up at the undefined face.

"It's -- it is okay. Just try to say something. It doesn't have to be your name. You can hear me. That is good. Think about that. Try."

Another figure grabs my hand, and squeezes it.

"You have to remember something. You can't be gorked okay? Say something."



"Hello," I croak out.

"Good. Good," a voice says.

I wipe the tear from my face. Oh my god. Why the hell am I like this?! Okay. Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. You are fine. Wait. There is a voice in my head. I can think.

Okay. Think. Retrace your steps. I remember lights. Like big circle lights. And blue. And blood. Okay. I was laying on something hard, like a table. So I was in surgery. I close my eyes and see an elevator flash through my brain. The elevator. Oh my god. I remember everything.

The guns. The blood. The death.

My heart rate quickens. Calm down. You are fine. Focus. No emotion.

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